In this section, you can access a rich collection of documentary resources about media regulation, in English (for the documentation in French or Arabic, please change your navigation language).

Media regulation, a vast term covering systemic and very dynamic area of international human rights law and public policies, encompasses a whole range of rules, practices and tools, which is applicable to media systems and institutions to achieve established policy goals such as pluralism, diversity, competition, and media freedom. With supranational and international agreements as the basis for national approaches to media regulation, available here, this  depository is also inclusive of many areas of audiovisual media regulation, from primary/secondary legislation and broadcasting codes, scope of media regulation, jurisdiction issues, licensing and related systems, media concentration and transparency of media ownership, promotion of domestic and European works and financial support schemes to audiovisual creation, hate speech, fight against disinformation, protection of minors, commercial communications, articulation between self- and coregulation and statutory regulation, media and information literacy (MIL).

In addition to traditional forms of media (self) regulatory mechanisms, this depository provides you with the latest resources pertaining to the ever-growing online media penetration.

Resource Author Year Keywords
,30,(Un)welcome guests: Transnational video-on-demand and the new European works…(Un)welcome guests: Transnational video-on-demand and the new European works quotas in Italy
Allessandro D’Arma, Giovanni… 2021 VOD, Cultural diversity
,22,A clash of cultures: hate speech, taboos, blasphemy, and the role of news mediaA clash of cultures: hate speech, taboos, blasphemy, and the role of news media
Jane Sassen 2013 Hate speech
,46,A Critical Analysis Of The Existing Rules And Initiatives Fostering Media…A Critical Analysis Of The Existing Rules And Initiatives Fostering Media Pluralism In The European Union
Ibrahim Baris Sayar 0 Media pluralism
,34,A guide to anti-misinformation actions around the worldA guide to anti-misinformation actions around the world
Poynter 0 Disinformation
,52,A legal framework for AI systemsA legal framework for AI systems
Council of Europe 2021 Council of Europe, Regulation à…
,7,A MISSION TO INFORM Journalists at risk speak outA MISSION TO INFORM Journalists at risk speak out
Council of Europe 2020 journalist, freedom of the media…
,22,A modern systems approach to regulating online hate speechA modern systems approach to regulating online hate speech
EPRA 2022 EPRA, Hate speech
,34,A report of anti-disinformation initiativesA report of anti-disinformation initiatives
Olga Robinson, Alistait Coleman,… 2019 Disinformation
,25,A safe environment for childrenA safe environment for children
OFCOM UK 2005 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom,…
,15,A Statement of intents and statements of performance expectationsA Statement of intents and statements of performance expectations
BSA 0 BSA, New Zealand, Transparency,…
,44,Access and inclusion researchAccess and inclusion research
OFCOM UK 2018 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom,…
,44,Access rules BAIAccess rules BAI
BAI 2019 BAI, Ireland, Accessibility
,44,Accessibility portalAccessibility portal
CRTC 0 Accessibility, CRTC, Canada
,44,Accessibility working group – background paper of the session (Athens)Accessibility working group – background paper of the session (Athens)
EPRA 2019 EPRA, Accessibility
,44,Accessibility working group – background paper of the session (Krakow)Accessibility working group – background paper of the session (Krakow)
EPRA 2013 EPRA, Accessibility
,44,Accessibility working group – summary of the session (Athens)Accessibility working group – summary of the session (Athens)
EPRA 2019 EPRA, Accessibility
,44,Accessibility working group – summary of the session (Krakow)Accessibility working group – summary of the session (Krakow)
EPRA 2013 EPRA, Accessibility
,45,Achieving Greater Diversity in Broadcasting: Special Focus on Gender – summary…Achieving Greater Diversity in Broadcasting: Special Focus on Gender – summary of the session (Luxembourg)
EPRA 2018 EPRA, Diversity and equality
,45,Achieving Greater Diversity in Broadcasting: The Whole Picture – background…Achieving Greater Diversity in Broadcasting: The Whole Picture – background paper of the session (Bratislava)
EPRA 2018 EPRA, Diversity and equality
,34,Action Plan against DisinformationAction Plan against Disinformation
European Union 2018 European Union, Disinformation
,30,Actions regarding content made by CanadiansActions regarding content made by Canadians
CRTC 0 Cultural diversity, CRTC, Canada
,7,Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime, concerning the…Additional Protocol to the Convention on Cybercrime, concerning the criminalisation of acts of a racist and xenophobic nature committed through computer systems
Council of Europe 2003 Council of Europe, International…
,22,Addressing hate speech in the media: the role of regulatory authorities and the…Addressing hate speech in the media: the role of regulatory authorities and the judiciary
Council of Europe 2018 Council of Europe, Hate speech
,42,Advertising and public service mediaAdvertising and public service media
EBU 2022 EBU, Public service media
,26,Advertising funded video-sharing platforms under the revised AVMSD: Commercial…Advertising funded video-sharing platforms under the revised AVMSD: Commercial communication functionalities
Sally Broughton Micova, Ivana… 2021 Commercial communications,…
,26,Advertising rules for broadcastersAdvertising rules for broadcasters
ACMA 0 Commercial communications,…
,8,African Charter on Human and Peoples’ RightsAfrican Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights
African Union 1981 International legal instruments,…
,52,AI and regulation - presentation 1AI and regulation - presentation 1
EPRA 2021 Regulation à la generation Z,…
,52,AI and regulators - presentation 2AI and regulators - presentation 2
EPRA 2021 Regulation à la generation Z,…
,53,Algorithmic Content Moderation on Social Media in EU Law: Illusion of Perfect…Algorithmic Content Moderation on Social Media in EU Law: Illusion of Perfect Enforcement
Céline Castets-Renard 2020 Regulation à la génération Z,…
,53,Algorithms and Human Rights - Study on the human rights dimensions of automated…Algorithms and Human Rights - Study on the human rights dimensions of automated data processing techniques and possible regulatory implications
Council of Europe 2017 Council of Europe, Regulation à…
,45,All Things Being Equal: Gender Equality Guidelines from Public Service MediaAll Things Being Equal: Gender Equality Guidelines from Public Service Media
EBU 2019 EBU, Public service media,…
,40,Alliance for community media websiteAlliance for community media website
Alliance for community media 0 United States, Community media
,39,AMARC International websiteAMARC International website
AMARC 0 Community media, AMARC
,42,An exploration of people’s relationship with PSB, with a particular focus on the…An exploration of people’s relationship with PSB, with a particular focus on the views of young people
OFCOM UK 2020 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom,…
,6,Analysis & Discussion Paper to contribute to the consistent implementation of…Analysis & Discussion Paper to contribute to the consistent implementation of the revised Audiovisual Media Services Directive
ERGA 2018 ERGA, European Union, Codes,…
,25,Analysis of the implementation of the provisions contained in the AVMSD…Analysis of the implementation of the provisions contained in the AVMSD concerning the protection of minors
European Audiovisual Observatory 2015 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,37,Annotated bibliography on territoriality and its impact on the financing of…Annotated bibliography on territoriality and its impact on the financing of audiovisual works
European Audiovisual Observatory 2015 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,25,Annotated bibliography on the protection of minors in a converged media…Annotated bibliography on the protection of minors in a converged media environment
European Audiovisual Observatory 2013 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,34,Answering Impossible Questions: Content Governance in an Age of DisinformationAnswering Impossible Questions: Content Governance in an Age of Disinformation
John Bowers, Jonathan Zittrain 2020 Disinformation
,52,Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning – background paper of the session…Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning – background paper of the session (Athens)
EPRA 2019 EPRA, Regulation à la generation…
,52,Artificial intelligence in the audiovisual sectorArtificial intelligence in the audiovisual sector
European Audiovisual Observatory 2020 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,22,Artificial Intelligence tools and online hate speechArtificial Intelligence tools and online hate speech
CERRE 2019 Hate speech, Regulation à la…
,52,Artificial Intelligence: Ethics, Governance and Policy ChallengesArtificial Intelligence: Ethics, Governance and Policy Challenges
Andre Renda 2019 Regulation à la generation Z,…
,34,Assessment of the Code of Practice on DisinformationAssessment of the Code of Practice on Disinformation
European Union 2020 European Union, Disinformation
,25,Attitudes to potentially offensive language and gestures on TV and radioAttitudes to potentially offensive language and gestures on TV and radio
OFCOM UK 2016 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom…
,25,Attitudes towards Sexual Material on TelevisionAttitudes towards Sexual Material on Television
OFCOM UK 2009 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom,…
,25,Audience attitudes towards offensive language on television and radioAudience attitudes towards offensive language on television and radio
OFCOM UK 2010 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom,…
,26,Audiovisual Commercial Communication, Trends & Challenges - Focus on Advertising…Audiovisual Commercial Communication, Trends & Challenges - Focus on Advertising – background paper of the session (Bern)
EPRA 2015 EPRA, Commercial communications,…
,26,Audiovisual Commercial Communication, Trends & Challenges - Focus on Advertising…Audiovisual Commercial Communication, Trends & Challenges - Focus on Advertising – summary of the session (Bern)
EPRA 2015 EPRA, Commercial communications,…
,13,Audiovisual media regulators: independence and cooperationAudiovisual media regulators: independence and cooperation
CERRE 2016 Independence, CERRE
,6,Audiovisual Media Services DirectiveAudiovisual Media Services Directive
European Union 2018 International legal instruments,…
,45,Auditing Gender & Diversity Change in Irish Media SectorsAuditing Gender & Diversity Change in Irish Media Sectors
Anne O’Brien, Susan Liddy, Páraic… 2021 BAI, Ireland, Diversity and…
,34,Automated tackling of disinformationAutomated tackling of disinformation
European Union 2019 European Union, Disinformation,…
,37,Background paper of the session on jurisdiction (Portoroz)Background paper of the session on jurisdiction (Portoroz)
EPRA 2012 EPRA, Territorial jurisdiction
,34,Balancing Act: Countering Digital Disinformation while respecting Freedom of…Balancing Act: Countering Digital Disinformation while respecting Freedom of Expression
UNESCO 2021 UNESCO, United Nations,…
,42,BBC distinctiveness reportBBC distinctiveness report
OFCOM UK 2017 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom, Public…
,42,BBC regulation and Operating FrameworkBBC regulation and Operating Framework
OFCOM UK 2017 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom, Public…
,13,Being an Independent RegulatorBeing an Independent Regulator
OECD 2016 OECD, Regulatory authorities,…
,53,Big Data Initiative Report: Time to InvestBig Data Initiative Report: Time to Invest
EBU 2017 EBU, Public service media, Big…
,53,Big Data Week – InsightsBig Data Week – Insights
EBU 2016 EBU, Public service media, Big…
,49,Bringing digital rights into Media and Information LiteracyBringing digital rights into Media and Information Literacy
DW Akademie 2021 Media literacy, DW Akademie
,21,Broadcasting CodeBroadcasting Code
OFCOM UK 2020 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom, Codes,…
,21,Broadcasting Code guidanceBroadcasting Code guidance
OFCOM UK 0 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom, Codes,…
,21,Broadcasting Law, Regulations & Codes portalBroadcasting Law, Regulations & Codes portal
JAM Broadcasting Commission 0 Codes, Jamaica, JAM Broadcasting…
,21,Broadcasting standards codebookBroadcasting standards codebook
BSA 0 BSA, New Zealand, Codes
,27,Calls for uniform definitions and European rules for transparency of political…Calls for uniform definitions and European rules for transparency of political advertising
ERGA 2021 ERGA, Political advertising,…
,34,Cambridge Analytica filesCambridge Analytica files
The Guardian 0 Disinformation
,47,Canadian Media Concentration Research Project (CMCRP)Canadian Media Concentration Research Project (CMCRP)
CMCRP 0 CMCRP, Concentration
Article 19 0 Hate speech
,34,Challenging truth and trust: A global inventory of organized social media…Challenging truth and trust: A global inventory of organized social media manipulation
Samatha Bradshaw, Philip N. Howard 2018 Disinformation
,45,CharactHer campaignCharactHer campaign
European Union 0 European Union, Diversity and…
,6,Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European UnionCharter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union
European Union 2012 International legal instruments,…
,25,Children and the Media portalChildren and the Media portal
London School of Economics 0 United Kingdom, London School of…
,25,Children in Programmes: An independent research report for Ofcom by Sherbert…Children in Programmes: An independent research report for Ofcom by Sherbert Research
OFCOM UK 2007 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom,…
,26,Children’s Commercial Communications Code BAIChildren’s Commercial Communications Code BAI
BAI 2013 BAI, Ireland, Protection of…
,25,Classification and timebandsClassification and timebands
BSA 0 BSA, New Zealand, Protection of…
,21,Code Of Conduct For Broadcasting Licensees RegulationsCode Of Conduct For Broadcasting Licensees Regulations
ICASA South Africa 2009 ICASA, South Africa, Codes,…
,21,Code of Conduct for On-Demand Media Service Providers BAICode of Conduct for On-Demand Media Service Providers BAI
BAI 0 BAI, VOD, Codes
,22,Code of conduct on countering illegal hate speech onlineCode of conduct on countering illegal hate speech online
European Union 2018 Hate speech
,28,Code of Fairness, Objectivity & Impartiality BAICode of Fairness, Objectivity & Impartiality BAI
BAI 2013 BAI, Fairness and impartiality
,34,Code of Practice on DisinformationCode of Practice on Disinformation
European Union 2018 European Union, Disinformation
,43,Code of Practice: Placement of TV ServicesCode of Practice: Placement of TV Services
BAI 2013 BAI, Placement, Must carry
,21,Code of Programme StandardsCode of Programme Standards
BAI 2015 BAI, Ireland, Codes
,31,Code on sports and other listed and designated eventsCode on sports and other listed and designated events
OFCOM UK 0 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom, Codes,…
,44,Code on television access servicesCode on television access services
OFCOM UK 0 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom, Codes,…
,26,Code on the prevention of undue discrimination between broadcast advertisersCode on the prevention of undue discrimination between broadcast advertisers
OFCOM UK 0 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom, Codes,…
,26,Code on the scheduling of television advertisingCode on the scheduling of television advertising
OFCOM UK 0 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom, Codes,…
,21,Codes for Radio and TV BroadcastersCodes for Radio and TV Broadcasters
CRTC 0 Codes, CRTC, Canada
,21,Codes for Radio and TV BroadcastersCodes for Radio and TV Broadcasters
CRTC 0 Codes, CRTC, Canada
,40,Codes of practice for community broadcastersCodes of practice for community broadcasters
ACMA 0 Community media, Australia, ACMA
,26,Commercial Communication 2.0: Mapping changes – background paper (Luxembourg)Commercial Communication 2.0: Mapping changes – background paper (Luxembourg)
EPRA 2018 EPRA, Commercial communications
,26,Commercial Communication 2.0: Mapping changes – summary of the session…Commercial Communication 2.0: Mapping changes – summary of the session (Luxembourg)
EPRA 2018 EPRA, Commercial communications
,26,Commercial communications in the AVMSD revisionCommercial communications in the AVMSD revision
European Audiovisual Observatory 2017 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,21,Community Broadcasting Services RegulationsCommunity Broadcasting Services Regulations
ICASA South Africa 2019 ICASA, Codes, Community media
,40,Community broadcasting support schemeCommunity broadcasting support scheme
BAI 2022 BAI, Ireland, Community media
,40,Community Media Forum Europe (CMFE) websiteCommunity Media Forum Europe (CMFE) website
CMFE 0 Community media, CMFE
,40,Community media portalCommunity media portal
Council of Europe 0 Community media, Council of…
,40,Community media: a good practice handbookCommunity media: a good practice handbook
UNESCO 2016 UNESCO, United Nations,…
,42,Comparative analysis of risks for political independence of public service media…Comparative analysis of risks for political independence of public service media across 19 European Union member states
Maja Simunjak 2016 Public service media
,40,Comparative report on local and community mediaComparative report on local and community media
EPRA 2013 EPRA, Community media, Local and…
,45,Comparing Gender and Media Equality Across the Globe - A Cross-National Study of…Comparing Gender and Media Equality Across the Globe - A Cross-National Study of the Qualities, Causes, and Consequences of Gender Equality in and through the News Media”:
Monika Djerf-Pierre, Maria Edström 2020 Diversity and equality
,16,Complaints handling portalComplaints handling portal
ACMA 0 Complaints handling, Australia,…
,16,Complaints handling portalComplaints handling portal
CRTC 0 Complaints handling, CRTC,…
,16,Complaints handling portalComplaints handling portal
HKG Communications Authority 0 Complaints handling, Hong-Kong,…
,16,Complaints handling portalComplaints handling portal
KEN Communications Authority 0 Kenya, KEN Communications…
,16,Complaints handling portalComplaints handling portal
CRAN 0 CRAN, Namibia, Complaints…
,16,Complaints handling portalComplaints handling portal
RURA 0 RURA, Rwanda, Complaints…
,16,Complaints handling procedureComplaints handling procedure
ICASASouth Africa 0 ICASA, Complaints handling
,16,Complaints portalComplaints portal
JAM Broadcasting Commission 0 Complaints handling, Jamaica,…
,16,Complaints portalComplaints portal
MCMC 0 MCMC, Malaysia, Complaints…
,16,Complaints portalComplaints portal
BSA 0 BSA, New Zealand, Complaints…
,16,Complaints portalComplaints portal
OFCOM UK 0 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom,…
,16,Complaints portal BAIComplaints portal BAI
BAI 0 BAI, Complaints handling,…
,54,Compliance & Enforcement - Policies, strategies & methods of NRAs put to test –…Compliance & Enforcement - Policies, strategies & methods of NRAs put to test – background paper of the session (Barcelona)
EPRA 2016 EPRA, Compliance and enforcement
,54,Compliance & Enforcement - Policies, strategies & methods of NRAs put to test –…Compliance & Enforcement - Policies, strategies & methods of NRAs put to test – background paper of the session (Yerevan)
EPRA 2016 EPRA, Compliance and enforcement
,15,Compliance & Enforcement - Policies, strategies & methods of NRAs put to test –…Compliance & Enforcement - Policies, strategies & methods of NRAs put to test – keynote speech (Yerevan)
EPRA 2016 EPRA, Compliance and enforcement…
,25,Consultation with Young People on the Proposed Ofcom Broadcasting CodeConsultation with Young People on the Proposed Ofcom Broadcasting Code
OFCOM UK 2005 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom, Codes,…
,16,Consumer complaints centerConsumer complaints center
FCC 0 FCC, United States, Complaints…
,51,Content regulation & New Media: Exploring Regulatory Boundaries between…Content regulation & New Media: Exploring Regulatory Boundaries between Traditional & new Media – background paper of the session (Ohrid)
EPRA 2013 EPRA, VOD, Future of Regulation
,37,Content Regulation and New Media: Jurisdiction Challenges in a VOD Environment –…Content Regulation and New Media: Jurisdiction Challenges in a VOD Environment – background paper of the session (Brussels)
EPRA 2011 EPRA, Territorial jurisdiction,…
,21,Content rules for broadcastersContent rules for broadcasters
ACMA 0 Codes, Australia, ACMA
,5,Convention for the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural…Convention for the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions
UNESCO 2005 UNESCO, United Nations, Cultural…
,7,Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental FreedomsConvention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms
Council of Europe 1950 Council of Europe, International…
,7,Convention on Cinematographic Co-ProductionConvention on Cinematographic Co-Production
Council of Europe 1992 International legal instruments,…
,5,Convention on the Rights of Persons with DisabilitiesConvention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
United Nations 0 United Nations, International…
,34,Countering disinfo initiativeCountering disinfo initiative
CEPPS 0 Disinformation, CEPPS
,22,Countering online hate speechCountering online hate speech
UNESCO 2015 UNESCO, United nations, Hate…
,34,Covidcheck, Assessing the implementation of EU Code of practice on…Covidcheck, Assessing the implementation of EU Code of practice on disinformation in relation to Covid-19
BAI 2021 BAI, Ireland, Disinformation
,13,Creating a Culture of Independence: Practical Guidance against Undue InfluenceCreating a Culture of Independence: Practical Guidance against Undue Influence
OECD 2017 OECD, Regulatory authorities,…
,19,Cross-sectoral cooperation - presentationsCross-sectoral cooperation - presentations
EPRA 2021 Cooperation
,19,Cross-sectoral cooperation between regulators - background paperCross-sectoral cooperation between regulators - background paper
EPRA 2021 Cooperation
,19,Cross-sectoral cooperation plenary - keynoteCross-sectoral cooperation plenary - keynote
EPRA 2020 Cooperation
,19,Cross-sectoral coopration - background paperCross-sectoral coopration - background paper
EPRA 2021 Cooperation
,42,Crossing Borders and Boundaries in Public Service MediaCrossing Borders and Boundaries in Public Service Media
Gregory Ferrell Lowe, Nabuto… 2015 Public service media
,53,Data Protection & Big Data - What impact on media regulation – summary of the…Data Protection & Big Data - What impact on media regulation – summary of the session (Barcelona)
EPRA 2016 EPRA, Big data and algorithms
,15,Decisions portalDecisions portal
BSA 0 BSA, New Zealand, Transparency,…
,51,Declaration by the Committee of Ministers on the financial sustainability of…Declaration by the Committee of Ministers on the financial sustainability of quality journalism in the digital age
Council of Europe 2018 Regulation à la generation Z,…
,53,Declaration by the Committee of Ministers on the manipulative capabilities of…Declaration by the Committee of Ministers on the manipulative capabilities of algorithmic processes
Council of Europe 2019 Council of Europe, Big data and…
,51,Declaration for an overhaul of the audiovisual regulation in the digital…Declaration for an overhaul of the audiovisual regulation in the digital environment
MNRA 2017 MRNA, Regulation à la generation…
,25,Declaration of intent concerning the protection of young public and the fight…Declaration of intent concerning the protection of young public and the fight against violence in the media
MNRA 2009 MNRA, Protection of minors
,42,Declaration of the Committee of Ministers on Public Service Media GovernanceDeclaration of the Committee of Ministers on Public Service Media Governance
Council of Europe 2012 Council of Europe, Public…
,13,Declaration of the Committee of Ministers on the independence and functions of…Declaration of the Committee of Ministers on the independence and functions of regulatory authorities for the broadcasting sector
Council of Europe 2000 Council of Europe, independence
,40,Declaration of the Committee of Ministers on the role of community media in…Declaration of the Committee of Ministers on the role of community media in promoting social cohesion and intercultural dialogue
Council of Europe 2009 Council of Europe, Community…
,45,Declaration on the fight against gender stereotyping in the audiovisual mediaDeclaration on the fight against gender stereotyping in the audiovisual media
MNRA 2012 MNRA, Diversity and equality
,21,Decoding hate, a six-episode podcast seriesDecoding hate, a six-episode podcast series
Katie Pentney 2021 Hate speech
,31,Décret n°2004-1392 du 22 décembre 2004 pris pour l’application de l’article 20-2…Décret n°2004-1392 du 22 décembre 2004 pris pour l’application de l’article 20-2 de la loi n° 86-1067 du 30 septembre 1986 relative à la liberté de communication
Gouvernement français 2004 Evénements d’intérêt majeur,…
,32,Délibération relative aux conditions de diffusion de brefs extraits de…Délibération relative aux conditions de diffusion de brefs extraits de compétitions sportives et d’événements autres que sportifs d’un grand intérêt pour le public
ARCOM 2014 ARCOM, France, Brefs reportages…
,42,Democracy and public service mediaDemocracy and public service media
EBU 2021 EBU, Public service media
,13,Designing independent and accountable regulatory authorities for high quality…Designing independent and accountable regulatory authorities for high quality regulation
OECD 2005 OECD, Regulatory authorities,…
,33,Digital markets and online platforms: new perspectives on regulation and…Digital markets and online platforms: new perspectives on regulation and competition law
CERRE 2020 Video-sharing platforms, CERRE
,50,Digital news report Ireland 2021Digital news report Ireland 2021
BAI 2021 BAI, Ireland, Generation Z…
,50,Digital news report Ireland 2022Digital news report Ireland 2022
BAI 2022 BAI, Ireland, Generation Z…
,6,Digital Services ActDigital Services Act
European Union 2022 International legal instruments,…
,34,Digital technology and the resurrection of TrustDigital technology and the resurrection of Trust
UK House of Lords Select Committee… 2020 United Kingdom, Disinformation
,34,Digital Threats to Democratic Elections: How Foreign Actors Use Digital…Digital Threats to Democratic Elections: How Foreign Actors Use Digital Techniques to Undermine Democracy
Chris Tenove, Jordan Buffie, Spencer… 2018 Disinformation
,42,Digital Transformation Initiative CasebookDigital Transformation Initiative Casebook
European Broadcasting Union 2020 EBU, Public service media
,44,Disability Rights OfficeDisability Rights Office
FCC 0 FCC, United States,…
,34,Disentangling Disinformation: What Makes Regulating Disinformation So Difficult?Disentangling Disinformation: What Makes Regulating Disinformation So Difficult?
Jason S. Pielemeier 2020 Disinformation
,34,Disinformation affecting the EU: tackled but not tamedDisinformation affecting the EU: tackled but not tamed
European Union 2019 European Union, Disinformation
,34,Disinformation and freedom of expression, A study on the regulation of fake news…Disinformation and freedom of expression, A study on the regulation of fake news in the European Union
Juncal Montero Regules 2018 Disinformation
,34,Disinformation and Propaganda – Impact on the Functioning of the Rule of Law in…Disinformation and Propaganda – Impact on the Functioning of the Rule of Law in the EU
Judith Bayer, Natalija Bitiukova,… 2019 Disinformation
,34,Disinformation and propaganda – impact on the functioning of the rule of law in…Disinformation and propaganda – impact on the functioning of the rule of law in the EU and its Member States
European Union 2019 European Union, Disinformation
,34,Disinformation and ‘fake news’: Final ReportDisinformation and ‘fake news’: Final Report
House of Commons Digital, Culture,… 2019 United Kingdom, Disinformation
,34,Disinformation Resilience in Central and Eastern EuropeDisinformation Resilience in Central and Eastern Europe
Olga Chyzhova 2018 Dinsinformation
,34,Disinformation Tracker initiativeDisinformation Tracker initiative
Article 19 0 Disinformation
,45,Diversity and equality hubDiversity and equality hub
OFCOM UK 0 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom,…
,45,Diversity and inclusion in the European audiovisual sectorDiversity and inclusion in the European audiovisual sector
European Audiovisual Observatory 2021 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,34,Don’t Call a Spade a Shovel: Crucial Subtleties in the Definition of Fake News…Don’t Call a Spade a Shovel: Crucial Subtleties in the Definition of Fake News and Disinformation
Björnstjern Baade 2020 Disinformation
,33,Draft Online Harms White Paper UKDraft Online Harms White Paper UK
United Kingdom 2020 United Kingdom, Video-sharing…
,33,Draft Online Harms White Paper UKDraft Online Harms White Paper UK
United Kingdom 2020 United Kingdom, Video-sharing…
,22,ECRI General Policy Recommendation N°15 on combating hate speechECRI General Policy Recommendation N°15 on combating hate speech
Council of Europe 2015 Council of Europe, Hate speech
,17,Effective functioning of Regulatory Authorities: Approaches to Monitoring –…Effective functioning of Regulatory Authorities: Approaches to Monitoring – background paper of the session (Brussels)
EPRA 2011 EPRA, Governance, Monitoring
,13,Effective functionning of Regulatory Authorities: Focus on issues of…Effective functionning of Regulatory Authorities: Focus on issues of Independance and Governance of Regulatory Authorities as a follow-up to the INDIREG study – background paper of the session (Ohrid)
EPRA 2013 EPRA, Independence, Governance
,48,Effectiveness of self-and co-regulation in the context of implementing the AVMS…Effectiveness of self-and co-regulation in the context of implementing the AVMS Directive
Panteia 2016 Self- and co-regulation
,34,Elect Check 2019, A report on political advertising online during the 2019…Elect Check 2019, A report on political advertising online during the 2019 European election
BAI 2019 BAI, Political advertising,…
,27,Election and political ads portalElection and political ads portal
ACMA 0 Political advertising, ACMA,…
,35,Elections programmes codeElections programmes code
BSA 2020 BSA, New Zealand, Media and…
,46,Ensuring pluralism in social media markets: some suggestionsEnsuring pluralism in social media markets: some suggestions
Maria Luisa Stasi 2020 Media Pluralism, Video-sharing…
,30,Etude sur le tissu économique du secteur de la production audiovisuelleEtude sur le tissu économique du secteur de la production audiovisuelle
ARCOM 2021 ARCOM, France, Diversité…
,34,EU Action Plan Against Disinformation: Public Authorities, Platforms and the…EU Action Plan Against Disinformation: Public Authorities, Platforms and the People
Antonios E. Kouroutakis 2019 Disinformation, Video-sharing…
,52,EU liability rules for the age of Artificial IntelligenceEU liability rules for the age of Artificial Intelligence
CERRE 2021 Regulation à la generation Z,…
,20,European audiovisual media policy in the age of global video on demand services:…European audiovisual media policy in the age of global video on demand services: A case study of Netflix in the Netherlands
Daphne R. Idiz, Kristina Irion,… 2021 VOD
,48,European co-regulation practices in the media: Comparative analysis and…European co-regulation practices in the media: Comparative analysis and recommendations with a focus on the situation in Serbia
Jean-François Furnémont, Tanja… 2017 Council of Europe, Self- and…
,7,European Convention on Transfrontier TelevisionEuropean Convention on Transfrontier Television
Council of Europe 1989 Council of Europe, International…
,34,European Digital Media Observatory websiteEuropean Digital Media Observatory website
EDMO 0 EDMO, Disinformation, Media…
,22,European Regulation of Cross-Border Hate Speech in Cyberspace: The Limits of…European Regulation of Cross-Border Hate Speech in Cyberspace: The Limits of Legislation
James Banks 2012 Hate speech
,34,European Regulatory Conundrum to Face the Rise and Amplification of False…European Regulatory Conundrum to Face the Rise and Amplification of False Content Online
Oreste Pollicino, Giovanni De… 2020 Disinformation
,46,European Union competencies in respect of media pluralism and media freedomEuropean Union competencies in respect of media pluralism and media freedom
CMPF 2013 CMPF, Media pluralism
,34,EUvsDISINFO initiativeEUvsDISINFO initiative
European Union 0 Disinformation
,22,Expert workshops on the prohibition of incitement to national, racial or…Expert workshops on the prohibition of incitement to national, racial or religious hatred
United Nations 2011 United Nations, Hate speech
,42,Exporting the Public Value Test - The Regulation of Public Broadcasters’ New…Exporting the Public Value Test - The Regulation of Public Broadcasters’ New Media Services Across Europe
Hallvard Moe, Karen Donders, 2011 Public service media
,22,Factsheet on hate speechFactsheet on hate speech
European Court of Human Rights 2020 Council of Europe, Hate speech
,45,Female audiovisual professionals in European TV fiction productionFemale audiovisual professionals in European TV fiction production
European Audiovisual Observatory 2018 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,53,Filters, algorithms and diversity - turning concerns into opportunities? –…Filters, algorithms and diversity - turning concerns into opportunities? – background paper (Edinburgh)
EPRA 2017 EPRA, Regulation à la generation…
,34,Fool Me Once: Regulating ’Fake News’ and Other Online AdvertisingFool Me Once: Regulating ’Fake News’ and Other Online Advertising
Abby K. Wood, Ann M. Ravel 2018 Disinformation, Advertising
,19,Formation of a Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum (DRCF) to support regulatory…Formation of a Digital Regulation Cooperation Forum (DRCF) to support regulatory coordination in digital markets
OFCOM UK 2020 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom,…
,34,Founder & CEOFounder & CEO
Björnstjern Baade 2018 disinformation
,22,Four ways social media platforms could stop the spread of hateful content in…Four ways social media platforms could stop the spread of hateful content in aftermath of terror attacks
Bertie Vidgen 2019 Hate speech
,7,Framework Convention for the Protection of National MinoritiesFramework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities
Council of Europe 1995 International legal instruments,…
,22,Framework Decision on combating certain forms and expressions of racism and…Framework Decision on combating certain forms and expressions of racism and xenophobia by means of criminal law
European Union 2008 European Union, Hate speech
,53,Framing Algorithms – Competition Law and (Other) Regulatory ToolsFraming Algorithms – Competition Law and (Other) Regulatory Tools
Peter Georg Picht, Gaspare Loderer 2018 Regulation à la generation Z,…
,53,Free Speech in the Algorithmic Society: Big Data, Private Governance, and New…Free Speech in the Algorithmic Society: Big Data, Private Governance, and New School Speech Regulation
Jack M. Balkin 2017 Regulation à la generation Z,…
,52,Freedom of Expression and Artificial Intelligence: On Personalisation,…Freedom of Expression and Artificial Intelligence: On Personalisation, Disinformation and (Lack Of) Horizontal Effect of the Charter
Maja Brkan 2019 Regulation à la generation Z,…
,12,Freedom of expression and broadcasting regulationFreedom of expression and broadcasting regulation
UNESCO 2016 UNESCO, United Nations, Freedom…
,51,Freedom of expression and the InternetFreedom of expression and the Internet
Council of Europe 2013 régulation of Internet, freedom…
,6,Freedom of expression, the Media and Journalists Case-law of the European…Freedom of expression, the Media and Journalists Case-law of the European Court of Human Rights
Council of Europe 2020 Freedom of expression, Media,…
,52,From a ’Race to AI’ to a ’Race to AI Regulation’ - Regulatory Competition for…From a ’Race to AI’ to a ’Race to AI Regulation’ - Regulatory Competition for Artificial Intelligence
Nathalie A. Smuha 2021 Regulation à la generation Z,…
,42,Funding of Public Service MediaFunding of Public Service Media
European Broadcasting Union 2020 EBU, Public service media,…
,42,Funding of public service mediaFunding of public service media
EBU 2022 EBU, Public service media
,30,Funding schemes BAIFunding schemes BAI
BAI 0 BAI, Cultural diversity,…
,26,Gambling and betting advertisingGambling and betting advertising
EPRA 2020 EPRA, Commercial communications,…
,45,Gender & Diversity in Ireland 2016-2021Gender & Diversity in Ireland 2016-2021
BAI 2022 BAI, Ireland, Diversity and…
,45,Gender and media portalGender and media portal
Council of Europe 0 Council of Europe, Diversity and…
,45,Gender equality and public service mediaGender equality and public service media
EBU 2022 EBU, Diversity and equality,…
,45,Gender-sensitive indicators for media: framework of indicators to gauge gender…Gender-sensitive indicators for media: framework of indicators to gauge gender sensitivity in media operations and content
UNESCO 2012 UNESCO, United Nations,…
,26,General Commercial Communications Code BAIGeneral Commercial Communications Code BAI
BAI 2010 BAI, Commercial communications,…
,5,General recommendation No. 35: Combating racist hate speech (UN Committee on the…General recommendation No. 35: Combating racist hate speech (UN Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination)
United Nations 2013 United Nations, International…
,22,Germany’s NetzDG: A Key Test for Combatting Online HateGermany’s NetzDG: A Key Test for Combatting Online Hate
William Echikson, Olivia Knodt 2018 Hate speech
,49,Global media and information literacy assessment framework: country readiness…Global media and information literacy assessment framework: country readiness and competencies
UNESCO 2013 UNESCO, United Nations, Media…
,34,Global strategy 2022 : Thwarting Kremlin agression today for constructuve…Global strategy 2022 : Thwarting Kremlin agression today for constructuve relations tomorrow
Atlantic Council 2022 Disinformation
,42,Governance and independence of public service mediaGovernance and independence of public service media
European Audiovisual Observatory 2022 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,15,Governance of Regulators’ Practices: Accountability, Transparency and…Governance of Regulators’ Practices: Accountability, Transparency and Co-ordination
OECD 2016 OECD, Regulatory authorities,…
,46,Governing the European Audiovisual Space: What modes of governance can…Governing the European Audiovisual Space: What modes of governance can facilitate a European approach to media pluralism?
Fabrizio Barzanti 2012 Media pluralism
,49,Government strategy “Adult literacy for life, A 10-year adult literacy, numeracy…Government strategy “Adult literacy for life, A 10-year adult literacy, numeracy and digital literacy strategy”
Ireland 2021 Ireland, Media literacy
,51,Great Expectations: The changing paradigm of media regulators – background paper…Great Expectations: The changing paradigm of media regulators – background paper of the session
EPRA 2020 EPRA, Regulation à la generation…
,51,Great Expectations: The changing paradigm of media regulators – outputs of the…Great Expectations: The changing paradigm of media regulators – outputs of the session
EPRA 2020 EPRA, Regulation à la generation…
,28,Guidance note for the implementation of rules pertaining to Due Impartiality and…Guidance note for the implementation of rules pertaining to Due Impartiality and Due Accuracy and Undue Prominence of Views and Opinions
OFCOM UK 2017 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom, Codes,…
,27,Guidance notes for advertising directed towards a political aimGuidance notes for advertising directed towards a political aim
BAI 2022 BAI, Ireland, Political…
,34,Guidance to strengthen the Code of Practice on DisinformationGuidance to strengthen the Code of Practice on Disinformation
European Union 2021 European Union, Disinformation
,33,Guidance: Video-sharing platforms – who needs to notify to Ofcom?Guidance: Video-sharing platforms – who needs to notify to Ofcom?
OFCOM UK 2020 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom,…
,35,Guide de l’observation électorale et de la regulation des médiasGuide de l’observation électorale et de la regulation des médias
UEMOA 2020 Médias et élections
,49,Guideline for Broadcasters on Promoting User-Generated Content and Media and…Guideline for Broadcasters on Promoting User-Generated Content and Media and Information Literacy
UNESCO 2009 UNESCO, United Nations, Media…
,12,Guidelines for broadcasting regulationGuidelines for broadcasting regulation
UNESCO 2008 UNESCO, United Nations, Freedom…
,35,Guidelines for Election BroadcastingGuidelines for Election Broadcasting
Article 19 0 Media and elections
,27,Guidelines for Political BroadcastGuidelines for Political Broadcast
JAM Broadcasting Commission 2016 JAM Broadcasting Commission,…
,35,Guidelines for professional election reportingGuidelines for professional election reporting
IMS 2016 IMS, Medias and elections
,35,Guidelines for TV and radio broadcasters and TV service providers during an…Guidelines for TV and radio broadcasters and TV service providers during an election
CRTC 2018 Media and elections, CRTC,…
,16,Guidelines on consumer protection and complaints handling proceduresGuidelines on consumer protection and complaints handling procedures
RURA 0 RURA, Rwanda, Complaints…
,22,Hate speech and hate crime in the EU and the evaluation of online content…Hate speech and hate crime in the EU and the evaluation of online content regulation approaches
Judith Bayer, Petra Bárd 2020 Hate speech
,22,Hate speech in online media in South East EuropeHate speech in online media in South East Europe
Albanian Media Institute 2019 Hate speech, Albania
,22,Hate Speech in Online Media in South East EuropeHate Speech in Online Media in South East Europe
SEENPM 2015 Hate speech
,22,Hate Speech Law: A Philosophical ExaminationHate Speech Law: A Philosophical Examination
Edward Brown 2015 Hate speech
,22,Hate Speech on Social Media: Content Moderation in ContextHate Speech on Social Media: Content Moderation in Context
Richard Ashby Wilson, Molly K. Land 2020 Hate speech
,22,Hate speech portalHate speech portal
Council of Europe 0 Council of Europe, Hate speech
,22,Hate speech toolkitHate speech toolkit
Article 19 0 Hate speech
,22,Hate Speech – Old Enemy, New Battles – background paper of the session…Hate Speech – Old Enemy, New Battles – background paper of the session (Budva)
EPRA 2014 EPRA, Hate speech
,22,Hate Speech – Old Enemy, New Battles – keynote speech (Budva)Hate Speech – Old Enemy, New Battles – keynote speech (Budva)
EPRA 2014 EPRA, Hate speech
,22,Hate speech: measures and counter-measures - Measuring, analysing and countering…Hate speech: measures and counter-measures - Measuring, analysing and countering online hate speech with advanced computational methods
Alan Turing Institute 2020 Hate speech
,22,Hatred, a Solidification of MeaningHatred, a Solidification of Meaning
Jean-Luc Nancy 2013 Council of Europe, Hate speech
,49,How disinformation reshaped the relationship between journalism and MIL?How disinformation reshaped the relationship between journalism and MIL?
EPRA 2022 EPRA, Media literacy
,46,How to ensure and assess media pluralism and diversity of media content –…How to ensure and assess media pluralism and diversity of media content – background paper of the session (Bern)
EPRA 2015 EPRA, Media pluralism
,22,How to Reconcile International Human Rights Law and Criminalization of Online…How to Reconcile International Human Rights Law and Criminalization of Online Speech: Violent Extremism, Misinformation, Defamation, and Cyberharassment
Stanford Law School 2020 Hate speech, Disinformation
,33,How to Regulate (and Not Regulate) Social MediaHow to Regulate (and Not Regulate) Social Media
Jack M. Balkin 2019 Video-sharing platforms
,52,Improving EU Institutional Design to Better Supervise Digital PlatformsImproving EU Institutional Design to Better Supervise Digital Platforms
CERRE 2022 CERRE, Video-sharing platforms
,13,Independence of NRAs: Key Developments and Current Debates – background paper of…Independence of NRAs: Key Developments and Current Debates – background paper of the session (Budva)
EPRA 2014 EPRA, Independence
,13,Independence of NRAs: Key Developments and Current Debates – summary of the…Independence of NRAs: Key Developments and Current Debates – summary of the session (Budva)
EPRA 2014 EPRA, Independence
,13,Independence of NRAs: Tools and Best Practices – background paper of the session…Independence of NRAs: Tools and Best Practices – background paper of the session (Tbilisi)
EPRA 2014 EPRA, Independence
,13,Indicators for independence and efficient functioning of audiovisual media…Indicators for independence and efficient functioning of audiovisual media services regulatory bodies
INDIREG 0 Independence, INDIREG, European…
,22,Inflammatory Hate Speech: Offense versus IncitementInflammatory Hate Speech: Offense versus Incitement
Alexander Tsesis 2013 Hate speech
,34,Information disorder portal:Information disorder portal:
Council of Europe 0 Council of Europe,…
,7,Information disorder: Toward an interdisciplinary framework for research and…Information disorder: Toward an interdisciplinary framework for research and policy making
Council of Europe 2017 disorder, régulation
,34,Information Disorder: Toward an interdisciplinary framework for research and…Information Disorder: Toward an interdisciplinary framework for research and policymaking
Claire Wardle, Hossein Derakhshan 2017 Council of Europe,…
,5,International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination…International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
United Nations 1979 International legal instruments,…
,5,International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination…International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
United Nations 0 United Nations, International…
,5,International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial…International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
United Nations 1965 International legal instruments,…
,22,International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial…International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination
United Nations 0 United Nations, Codes, Hate…
,5,International Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of…International Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide
United Nations 1948 United Nations, International…
,5,International Convention on the Rights of the ChildInternational Convention on the Rights of the Child
United Nations 0 United Nations, International…
,5,International Covenant on Civil and Political RightsInternational Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
United Nations 0 United Nations, International…
,49,International University Network on Media and Information Literacy and…International University Network on Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue
UNESCO 0 UNESCO, United Nations, Media…
,30,Investing in European works: the obligations on VOD providersInvesting in European works: the obligations on VOD providers
European Audiovisual Observatory 2022 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,30,Investment obligations for VOD providers to financially contribute to the…Investment obligations for VOD providers to financially contribute to the production of European works, a 2021 update
Marlen Komorowski, Catalina… 2022 Cultural diversity
,45,Joint declaration of REFRAM, ACRAN and MNRA on gender equalityJoint declaration of REFRAM, ACRAN and MNRA on gender equality
,34,Journalism, ’Fake News’ and Disinformation: A Handbook for Journalism Education…Journalism, ’Fake News’ and Disinformation: A Handbook for Journalism Education and Training
UNESCO 0 UNESCO, United Nations,…
,34,KEEP IT REAL campaignKEEP IT REAL campaign
Article 19 0 Disinformation
,13,Key issues in the AVMSD revision debates: video-sharing platforms and regulator…Key issues in the AVMSD revision debates: video-sharing platforms and regulator independence
CERRE 2017 Independence, Video-sharing…
,12,La Gouvernance des régulateursLa Gouvernance des régulateurs
OCDE 2014 OCDE, Gouvernance
,25,Language and Sexual Imagery in Broadcasting: A contextual InvestigationLanguage and Sexual Imagery in Broadcasting: A contextual Investigation
OFCOM UK 2005 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom,…
,42,Legal & Policy Focus - The Case for Public Service Media: Content RemitLegal & Policy Focus - The Case for Public Service Media: Content Remit
European Broadcasting Union 2021 EBU, Public service media
,42,Legal & Policy Focus - The Case for the Public Service Media: Online NewsLegal & Policy Focus - The Case for the Public Service Media: Online News
European Broadcasting Union 2019 EBU, Public service media
,34,Legislating Fake News-Drawing Line Between Free Speech and DisinformationLegislating Fake News-Drawing Line Between Free Speech and Disinformation
Akhilesh Dubey 2020 Disinformation
,34,Les désordres de l’information: Vers un cadre interdisciplinaire pour la…Les désordres de l’information: Vers un cadre interdisciplinaire pour la recherche et l’élaboration des politiques
Claire Wardle, Hossein Derakhshan 2017 Council of Europe,…
,34,Les Manipulations de l’information : un défi pour nos démocraties, rapport du…Les Manipulations de l’information : un défi pour nos démocraties, rapport du Centre d’analyse, de prévision et de stratégie (CAPS) du ministère de l’Europe et des Affaires étrangères et de l’Institut de recherche stratégique de l’École militaire (IRSEM) du ministère des Armées
Jean-Baptiste Jeangène Vilmer,… 2018 Désinformation
,36,Licensing and Authorisation Procedures – summary of the session (Edinburgh)Licensing and Authorisation Procedures – summary of the session (Edinburgh)
EPRA 2017 EPRA, Licensing
,36,Licensing GuideLicensing Guide
MCMC 0 MCMC, Malaysia, Licensing
,36,Licensing portalLicensing portal
CRAN 0 Namibia, CRAN, Licensing
,36,Licensing portalLicensing portal
ICASA South Africa 0 ICASA, South Africa, Licensing
,36,Licensing portalLicensing portal
FCC 0 FCC, United States, Licensing
,36,Licensing portalLicensing portal
CRTC 0 Licensing, CRTC, Canada
,36,Licensing portalLicensing portal
HKG Communications Authority 0 Licensing, Hong Kong, HKG…
,36,Licensing portalLicensing portal
JAM Broadcasting Commission 0 Licensing, JAM Broadcasting…
,36,Licensing portalLicensing portal
KEN Communications Authority 0 Kenya, KEN Communications…
,36,Licensing regulatory measuresLicensing regulatory measures
BAI 2022 BAI, Ireland, Licensing
,36,Licensing SchemeLicensing Scheme
BAI 0 BAI, Licensing, Ireland
,41,Local programming policyLocal programming policy
CRTC 0 Local and regional media, CRTC,…
,41,Local Television Content RegulationsLocal Television Content Regulations
ICASA South Africa 2016 ICASA, Codes, Local and regional…
,41,Local/regional TV: financing models – background paper of the session…Local/regional TV: financing models – background paper of the session (Nuremberg)
EPRA 2015 EPRA, Local and regional media
,41,Local/regional TV: financing models – summary of the session (Nuremberg)Local/regional TV: financing models – summary of the session (Nuremberg)
EPRA 2015 EPRA, Local and regional media
,44,Making on-demand services accessibleMaking on-demand services accessible
OFCOM UK 2021 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom, VOD,…
,22,Manual on hate speechManual on hate speech
Anne Weber 2009 Hate speech, Council of Europe
,35,Manuel à destination des médias, des partis et des candidatsManuel à destination des médias, des partis et des candidats
CSC 2021 CSC, Niger, Médias et…
,34,Mapping disinformation in AfricaMapping disinformation in Africa
Africa Center for Strategic Studies 2021 Disinformation
,34,Mapping fake news and disinformation in the Western Balkans and identifying ways…Mapping fake news and disinformation in the Western Balkans and identifying ways to effectively counter them
European Union 2018 European Union, Disinformation
,30,Mapping of film and audiovisual public funding criteria in the EUMapping of film and audiovisual public funding criteria in the EU
European Audiovisual Observatory 2017 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,36,Mapping of licensing systems for audiovisual media services in EU-28Mapping of licensing systems for audiovisual media services in EU-28
European Audiovisual Observatory 2018 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,49,Mapping of media literacy practices and actions in EU-28Mapping of media literacy practices and actions in EU-28
European Audiovisual Observatory 2016 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,33,Mapping of national rules applicable to video-sharing platforms: Illegal and…Mapping of national rules applicable to video-sharing platforms: Illegal and harmful content online
European Audiovisual Observatory 2021 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,33,Mapping of national rules applicable to video-sharing platforms: Illégal and…Mapping of national rules applicable to video-sharing platforms: Illégal and harmful content online
Council of Europe 2021 désinformation, video-sharing,…
,33,Mapping of national rules applicable to video-sharing platforms: Illegal and…Mapping of national rules applicable to video-sharing platforms: Illegal and harmful content online
European Audiovisual Observatory 2022 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,30,Mapping of national rules for the promotion of European works in EuropeMapping of national rules for the promotion of European works in Europe
European Audiovisual Observatory 2019 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,30,Mapping of the regulation and assessment of the nationality of European…Mapping of the regulation and assessment of the nationality of European audiovisual works
European Audiovisual Observatory 2020 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,22,Measures and strategies for combating hate speech at the European level – an…Measures and strategies for combating hate speech at the European level – an overview
Hanna Gleiß, Sina Laubenstein 2020 Hate speech
,22,Media Against Hate portalMedia Against Hate portal
European Federation of Journalists 0 European Federation of…
,35,Media and Elections: An Elections Reporting HandbookMedia and Elections: An Elections Reporting Handbook
IMS 2004 IMS, Media and elections
,49,Media and information literacy - A practical guidebook for trainersMedia and information literacy - A practical guidebook for trainers
DW Akademie 2021 Media literacy, DW Akademie
,49,Media and Information Literacy AllianceMedia and Information Literacy Alliance
UNESCO 0 UNESCO, United Nations, Media…
,49,Media and Information Literacy IndexMedia and Information Literacy Index
DW Akademie 0 Media literacy, DW Akademie
,49,Media and Information Literacy Taskforce - Summary of the 4th meetingMedia and Information Literacy Taskforce - Summary of the 4th meeting
EPRA 2021 Media literacy
,49,Media and Information Literacy Taskforce - summary of the 4th meetingMedia and Information Literacy Taskforce - summary of the 4th meeting
EPRA 2021 Media literacy
,49,Media and information literacy: policy and strategy guidelinesMedia and information literacy: policy and strategy guidelines
UNESCO 2013 UNESCO, United Nations, Media…
,47,Media control portalMedia control portal
ACMA 0 Media concentration, Australia,…
,35,Media coverage of elections with a specific focus on gender equalityMedia coverage of elections with a specific focus on gender equality
Council of Europe 2017 Council of Europe, Media and…
,35,Media coverage of elections: the legal framework in EuropeMedia coverage of elections: the legal framework in Europe
European Audiovisual Observatory 2017 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,22,Media in times of crisis: Focus on media service providers – background paper of…Media in times of crisis: Focus on media service providers – background paper of the session (Barcelona)
EPRA 2016 EPRA, Hate speech
,22,Media in times of crisis: Focus on media service providers – summary of the…Media in times of crisis: Focus on media service providers – summary of the session (Barcelona)
EPRA 2016 EPRA, Hate speech
,22,Media in times of crisis: The role of the regulatory authority – background…Media in times of crisis: The role of the regulatory authority – background paper of the session (Yerevan)
EPRA 2016 EPRA, Hate speech
,22,Media in times of crisis: The role of the regulatory authority – summary of the…Media in times of crisis: The role of the regulatory authority – summary of the session (Yerevan)
EPRA 2016 EPRA, Hate speech
,37,Media law enforcement without frontiersMedia law enforcement without frontiers
European Audiovisual Observatory 2018 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,49,Media literacy for all – Supporting marginalised groups through community…Media literacy for all – Supporting marginalised groups through community media
Council of Europe 2020 Council of Europe, Media…
,49,Media literacy policYMedia literacy policY
BAI 2021 BAI, Media literacy, Ireland
,49,Media literacy portalMedia literacy portal
European Union 0 European Union, Media literacy
,49,Media literacy portalMedia literacy portal
OFCOM UK 0 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom, Media…
,49,Media Literacy portalMedia Literacy portal
London School of Economics 0 United Kingdom, London School of…
,49,Media literacy portalMedia literacy portal
Council of Europe 0 Council of Europe, Media…
,49,Media Literacy taskforce report “Media literacy and hate speech”Media Literacy taskforce report “Media literacy and hate speech”
EPRA 2020 EPRA, Media literacy, Hate…
,22,Media Literacy taskforce report “Media literacy and hate speech”Media Literacy taskforce report “Media literacy and hate speech”
EPRA 2020 EPRA, Media literacy, Hate…
,49,Media Literacy taskforce report “Reflections on Video-Sharing Platforms’…Media Literacy taskforce report “Reflections on Video-Sharing Platforms’ promotion of Media Literacy under the Audiovisual Media Services Directive”
EPRA 2020 EPRA, Media literacy,…
,33,Media Literacy taskforce report “Reflections on Video-Sharing Platforms’…Media Literacy taskforce report “Reflections on Video-Sharing Platforms’ promotion of Media Literacy under the Audiovisual Media Services Directive”
EPRA 2020 EPRA, Media literacy,…
,49,Media literacy taskforce “Guidelines on how to establish Media Literacy…Media literacy taskforce “Guidelines on how to establish Media Literacy Networks”
EPRA 2018 EPRA, Media literacy
,49,Media literacy taskforce “Tips for evaluating media literacy projects”Media literacy taskforce “Tips for evaluating media literacy projects”
EPRA 2018 EPRA, Media literacy
,49,Media literacy taskforce “Tips for planning a media literacy campaign”Media literacy taskforce “Tips for planning a media literacy campaign”
EPRA 2019 EPRA, Media literacy
,49,Media literacy taskforce “Tips on researching media literacy”Media literacy taskforce “Tips on researching media literacy”
EPRA 2019 EPRA, Media literacy
,49,Media literacy taskforce “Tips on stakeholders’ engagement”Media literacy taskforce “Tips on stakeholders’ engagement”
EPRA 2018 EPRA, Media literacy
,49,Media literacy website IrelandMedia literacy website Ireland
Ireland 0 Ireland, Media literacy
,49,Media literacy working group – background paper of the session (Athens)Media literacy working group – background paper of the session (Athens)
EPRA 2019 EPRA, Media literacy
,49,Media literacy working group – background paper of the session (Edinburgh)Media literacy working group – background paper of the session (Edinburgh)
EPRA 2017 EPRA, Media literacy
,49,Media literacy working group – background paper of the session (Sarajevo)Media literacy working group – background paper of the session (Sarajevo)
EPRA 2019 EPRA, Media literacy
,49,Media literacy working group – background paper of the session (Vienna)Media literacy working group – background paper of the session (Vienna)
EPRA 2017 EPRA, Media literacy
,49,Media literacy working group – summary of the session (Athens)Media literacy working group – summary of the session (Athens)
EPRA 2019 EPRA, Media literacy
,49,Media literacy working group – summary of the session (Edinburgh)Media literacy working group – summary of the session (Edinburgh)
EPRA 2017 EPRA, Media literacy
,49,Media literacy working group – summary of the session (Sarajevo)Media literacy working group – summary of the session (Sarajevo)
EPRA 2019 EPRA, Media literacy
,49,Media literacy working group – summary of the session (Vienna)Media literacy working group – summary of the session (Vienna)
EPRA 2017 EPRA, Media literacy
,49,Media literacy working group “Empowering Users: Focus on Media Literacy” –…Media literacy working group “Empowering Users: Focus on Media Literacy” – background paper of the session (Budva)
EPRA 2014 EPRA, Media literacy
,47,Media ownership - Market realities and regulatory responsesMedia ownership - Market realities and regulatory responses
European Audiovisual Observatory 2016 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,47,Media ownership and media concentration in Europe: A comparative analysis with…Media ownership and media concentration in Europe: A comparative analysis with reflections on the situation in Slovenia
Wagner-Hatfield 2016 Concentration
,47,Media ownership rules in Europe : a focus on EU Member States’ legislation on…Media ownership rules in Europe : a focus on EU Member States’ legislation on foreign ownership
Elda Brogi, Lisa Ginsborg, Iva… 2017 Concentration
,47,Media ownership transparency campaignMedia ownership transparency campaign
Access Info 0 Media concentration
,46,Media pluralism and competition issuesMedia pluralism and competition issues
European Audiovisual Observatory 2020 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,46,Media Pluralism and Diversity - Concepts, Risks and Global TrendsMedia Pluralism and Diversity - Concepts, Risks and Global Trends
Paggy Valcke, Miklos Sukosd, Robert… 2015 Media pluralism
,46,Media Pluralism MonitorMedia Pluralism Monitor
CMPF 0 CMPF, Media pluralism
,46,Media plurality and ownership portalMedia plurality and ownership portal
London School of Economics 0 London School of Economics,…
,46,Media Plurality Policy BAIMedia Plurality Policy BAI
BAI 0 BAI, Media pluralism, Ireland
,22,Media regulatory authorities and hate speechMedia regulatory authorities and hate speech
Asja Rokša-Zubčevič, Stanislav… 2017 Council of Europe, Hate speech
Council of Europe 2018 hate speech, REGULATORY…
,46,Media regulatory authorities and media pluralismMedia regulatory authorities and media pluralism
Asja Rokša-Zubčević 2021 Council of Europe, Media…
,25,Media regulatory authorities and protection of minorsMedia regulatory authorities and protection of minors
Asja Rokša-Zubčević, Stanislav… 2019 Council of Europe, Protection of…
,19,Media regulatory authorities and the challenges of cooperationMedia regulatory authorities and the challenges of cooperation
European Audiovisual Observatory 2022 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,11,Media revolution in Europe: ahead of the curveMedia revolution in Europe: ahead of the curve
Council of Europe 2011 régulation, medias, public…
,19,Memorandum of understandingMemorandum of understanding
ERGA 2020 ERGA, Cooperation
,49,Minors’ advertising literacy in the digital age – background paper of the…Minors’ advertising literacy in the digital age – background paper of the session (Vienna)
EPRA 2017 EPRA, Media literacy, Protection…
,34,Misinformation and Technology: Rights and Regulation Across BordersMisinformation and Technology: Rights and Regulation Across Borders
Robert Post, Miguel Maduro 2020 Disinformation
,34,Misinformation Mayhem: Social Media Platforms’ Efforts to Combat Medical and…Misinformation Mayhem: Social Media Platforms’ Efforts to Combat Medical and Political Misinformation
Dawn Carla Nunziato 2020 Disinformation, Video-sharing…
,34,Misinformation: A Qualitative ExplorationMisinformation: A Qualitative Exploration
Yonder 2020 Disinformation
,22,Models of Governance of Online Hate SpeechModels of Governance of Online Hate Speech
Council of Europe 2020 Council of Europe, Hate speech
,17,Monitoring and compliance ReportsMonitoring and compliance Reports
JAM Broadcasting Commission 0 Monitoring, JAM Broadcasting…
,27,Municipal Elections Broadcasts And Political Advertisements Amendment…Municipal Elections Broadcasts And Political Advertisements Amendment Regulations
ICASA South Africa 2021 ICASA, Codes, Political…
,35,Municipal Elections Broadcasts And Political Advertisements Amendment…Municipal Elections Broadcasts And Political Advertisements Amendment Regulations
ICASA South Africa 2021 ICASA, Codes, Political…
,43,Must-carry RegulationsMust-carry Regulations
ICASA South Africa 2021 ICASA, Codes,…
,43,Must-carry: Renaissance or Reformation?Must-carry: Renaissance or Reformation?
European Audiovisual Observatory 2012 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,30,Netflix tax from the perspective of national and EU audiovisual policies and…Netflix tax from the perspective of national and EU audiovisual policies and what it brings to film funding in small states
Tanja Kerševan Smokvina 2021 VOD, Cultural diversity
,34,Network propaganda: manipulation, disinformation, and radicalization in American…Network propaganda: manipulation, disinformation, and radicalization in American politics
Yochai Benkler, Robert Faris, Hal… 2018 Disinformation
,26,New actors and risks in online advertisingNew actors and risks in online advertising
European Audiovisual Observatory 2022 European Audiovisual Observatoy,…
,46,New digital threats to media pluralism in the information ageNew digital threats to media pluralism in the information age
Pier Luigi Parcu 2019 Media pluralism
,26,New Forms of Commercial Communications in a Converged Audiovisual SectorNew Forms of Commercial Communications in a Converged Audiovisual Sector
European Audiovisual Observatory 2014 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,25,New Media and protection of minors – background paper of the session…New Media and protection of minors – background paper of the session (Brussels)
EPRA 2011 EPRA, Protection of minors
,51,New ways of oversight for the digital economyNew ways of oversight for the digital economy
CERRE 2021 Regulation à la generation Z,…
,45,News coverage of gender-based violence in the Mediterranean audiovisual areaNews coverage of gender-based violence in the Mediterranean audiovisual area
MNRA 2019 MNRA, Diversity and equality
,52,News Report 2019 - The Next Newsroom: Unlocking the Power of AI for Public…News Report 2019 - The Next Newsroom: Unlocking the Power of AI for Public Service Journalism
European Broadcasting Union 2019 EBU, Public service media,…
,22,No Hate Speech movementNo Hate Speech movement
Council of Europe 0 Council of Europe, Hate speech
,33,NRAs and VSP regulationNRAs and VSP regulation
EPRA 2021 Governance, Video-sharing…
,33,NRAs and VSP regulation - presentation 1NRAs and VSP regulation - presentation 1
EPRA 2021 Governance, Video-sharing…
,33,NRAs and VSP regulation - presentation 3NRAs and VSP regulation - presentation 3
EPRA 2021 Governance, Video-sharing…
,30,Obligations on on-demand audiovisual media services providers to financially…Obligations on on-demand audiovisual media services providers to financially contribute to the production of European works
Karen Donders, Tim Raat, Marlen… 2018 Cultural diversity
,42,Online activities of public service media: remit and financingOnline activities of public service media: remit and financing
European Audiovisual Observatory 2012 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,34,Online Disinformation and Freedom of Expression in the Electoral Context: The…Online Disinformation and Freedom of Expression in the Electoral Context: The European and Italian Responses
Oreste Pollicino, Laura Somaini 2020 Disinformation
,34,Online Disinformation and Harmful Speech: Dangers for Democratic Participation…Online Disinformation and Harmful Speech: Dangers for Democratic Participation and Possible Policy Responses
Chris Tenove, Heidi Tworek 2019 Disinformation, Hate speech
,34,Online disinformation portal:Online disinformation portal:
ACMA 0 Disinformation, Australia, ACMA
,49,Online Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue CoursesOnline Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue Courses
UNESCO 0 UNESCO, United Nations, Media…
,49,Online Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue CoursesOnline Media and Information Literacy and Intercultural Dialogue Courses
UNESCO 0 UNESCO, United Nations, Media…
,49,Online media literacy resources UKOnline media literacy resources UK
United Kigdom 0 United Kingdom, Media literacy
,49,Online media literacy strategy UKOnline media literacy strategy UK
United Kingdom 2021 United Kingdom, Media literacy
,34,Opération Carthage, How a Tunisian company conducted influence operations in…Opération Carthage, How a Tunisian company conducted influence operations in African presidential elections
Atlantic Counci, DFR Lab 0 Media and elections,…
,37,Opinion on decision of the Latvian National Electronic Mass Media Council…Opinion on decision of the Latvian National Electronic Mass Media Council restricting the retransmission of the channel Rossija RTR in the territory of Latvia
ERGA 2021 ERGA, Disinformation, Hate…
,30,Overview document in relation to Article 13(1) of the Audiovisual Media Services…Overview document in relation to Article 13(1) of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive
ERGA 2021 ERGA, Cultural diversity,…
,30,Overview document in relation to Article 7a of the Audiovisual Media Services…Overview document in relation to Article 7a of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive
ERGA 2021 ERGA, Cultural diversity,…
,53,Perspectives on the Regulation of Search Engine Algorithms and Social Networks:…Perspectives on the Regulation of Search Engine Algorithms and Social Networks: The Necessity of Protecting the Freedom of Information
Matteo Monti 2018 Regulation à la generation Z,…
,33,Platform Power in the Video Advertising EcosystemPlatform Power in the Video Advertising Ecosystem
Sally Broughton Micova, Sabine… 2020 Video-sharing platforms,…
,27,Platforms, Political Advertising, and Attentional ChoicePlatforms, Political Advertising, and Attentional Choice
Michael G. Parsons 2020 Political advertising,…
,46,Pluralism and Internet GovernancePluralism and Internet Governance
OSCE 2012 Media pluralism, OSCE
,46,Pluralism in a hybrid media environment from the user perspectivePluralism in a hybrid media environment from the user perspective
Beata Klimkiewicz 2019 Media pluralism
,46,Pluralism in the Media and the InternetPluralism in the Media and the Internet
OSCE 2005 OSCE, Media pluralism
,47,Pluralism of media ownership in the new media environmentPluralism of media ownership in the new media environment
Jean-François Furnémont, Snezana… 2020 Council of Europe, Concentration
,46,Podcast “Media plurality in the age of algorithms”Podcast “Media plurality in the age of algorithms”
EPRA 2020 EPRA, Media Pluralism,…
,53,Podcast: “Media plurality in the age of algorithms”Podcast: “Media plurality in the age of algorithms”
EPRA 2020 EPRA, Media pluralism, Big data…
,46,Policy changes to strengthen the protection of media freedom and media pluralism…Policy changes to strengthen the protection of media freedom and media pluralism in the EU
Pier Luigi Parcu, Maria Alessandra… 2020 Media Pluralism
,40,Policy framework on local news and community televisionPolicy framework on local news and community television
CRTC 2016 Community media, CRTC, Canada
,35,Political and election matter guidelines:Political and election matter guidelines:
ACMA 0 Media and elections, Australia,…
,27,Political communication – background paper of the session (Krakow)Political communication – background paper of the session (Krakow)
EPRA 2013 EPRA, Political advertising
,46,Portail du pluralismePortail du pluralisme
ARCOM 0 ARCOM, France, Pluralisme
,33,Position Paper on the Digital Services ActPosition Paper on the Digital Services Act
ERGA 2021 ERGA, European Union, Codes,…
,46,Position paper on the European Media Freedom ActPosition paper on the European Media Freedom Act
ERGA 2022 ERGA, Pluralism
,26,Product placement – summary of the session (Brussels)Product placement – summary of the session (Brussels)
EPRA 2011 EPRA, Product placement,…
,26,Product placement – summary of the session (Nuremberg)Product placement – summary of the session (Nuremberg)
EPRA 2015 EPRA, Product placement,…
,26,Product placement – summary of the session (Ohrid)Product placement – summary of the session (Ohrid)
EPRA 2011 EPRA, Product placement,…
,35,Professional election reportingProfessional election reporting
IMS 2017 IMS, Medias and elections
,21,Programming Code for broadcasting servicesProgramming Code for broadcasting services
KEN Communications Authority 0 Kenya, KEN Communications…
,40,Promoting social cohesion: The role of community mediaPromoting social cohesion: The role of community media
Council of Europe 2008 Council of Europe, Community…
,34,Propaganda and freedom of the mediaPropaganda and freedom of the media
OSCE 2015 OSCE, Disinformation and…
,25,Protecting Children in Audiovisual Media Services - Current and Future MeasuresProtecting Children in Audiovisual Media Services - Current and Future Measures
ERGA 2017 ERGA, protection of minors
,25,Protecting Children in Audiovisual Media Services - The effectiveness of age…Protecting Children in Audiovisual Media Services - The effectiveness of age verification and media literacy
ERGA 2018 ERGA, Protection of minors,…
,49,Protecting Children in Audiovisual Media Services -The effectiveness of age…Protecting Children in Audiovisual Media Services -The effectiveness of age verification and media literacy
ERGA 2018 ERGA, Protection of minors,…
,49,Protecting the right to freedom of expression under the European convention on…Protecting the right to freedom of expression under the European convention on human rights
Council of Europe 2017 Freedom of expression, Human…
,25,Protection of Minors and Audiovisual Content On-DemandProtection of Minors and Audiovisual Content On-Demand
European Audiovisual Observatory 2012 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,25,Protection of minors in the digital world: what common challenges for NRAs and…Protection of minors in the digital world: what common challenges for NRAs and DPAs – background paper of the session (Athens)
EPRA 2019 EPRA, Protection of minors,…
,25,Protection of minors in the online world: focus on evidence of harm – background…Protection of minors in the online world: focus on evidence of harm – background paper of the session (Sarajevo)
EPRA 2019 EPRA, Protection of minors,…
,42,PSB prominence in a converged media worldPSB prominence in a converged media world
European Broadcasting Union 2012 EBU, Public service media
,42,PSM Contribution to democracyPSM Contribution to democracy
European Broadcasting Union 2018 EBU, Public service media
,42,PSM Contribution to the European Creative SectorPSM Contribution to the European Creative Sector
European Broadcasting Union 2019 EBU, Public service media
,42,PSM CorrelationsPSM Correlations
European Broadcasting Union 2016 EBU, Public service media
,42,PSM Governance: Protecting the institutional and editorial independence of PSMPSM Governance: Protecting the institutional and editorial independence of PSM
European Broadcasting Union 2016 EBU, Public service media,…
,42,PSM License FeePSM License Fee
European Broadcasting Union 2021 EBU, Public service media,…
,42,PSM Remit Principles for the Digital Media AgePSM Remit Principles for the Digital Media Age
European Broadcasting Union 2017 EBU, Public service media
,42,Public Funding Principles for PSMPublic Funding Principles for PSM
European Broadcasting Union 2017 EBU, Public service media,…
,42,Public service and public interest content in the digital age: taking stock of…Public service and public interest content in the digital age: taking stock of stakeholders’ views – background paper (Luxembourg)
EPRA 2018 EPRA, Public service media
,42,Public service and public interest content in the digital age: the role of…Public service and public interest content in the digital age: the role of regulators – background paper (Bratislava)
EPRA 2018 EPRA, Public service media
,42,Public service broadcasting in the digital agePublic service broadcasting in the digital age
OFCOM UK 2018 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom, Public…
,42,Public Service Broadcasting portalPublic Service Broadcasting portal
OFCOM UK 0 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom, Public…
,42,Public service broadcasting: a best practices sourcebookPublic service broadcasting: a best practices sourcebook
UNESCO 0 UNESCO, United Nations, Public…
,42,Public service broadcasting: a comparative legal survey”:Public service broadcasting: a comparative legal survey”:
,42,Public service broadcasting: An international comparison of funding models and…Public service broadcasting: An international comparison of funding models and performance
European Broadcasting Union 2011 EBU, Public service media,…
,42,Public Service Content in a Multiplatform Environment: Focus on Remit &…Public Service Content in a Multiplatform Environment: Focus on Remit & Financing – background paper of the session (Bern)
EPRA 2015 EPRA, Public service media,…
,42,Public Service Media and Prominence: Finding PSM in the Digital SpacePublic Service Media and Prominence: Finding PSM in the Digital Space
European Broadcasting Union 2021 EBU, Public service media
,42,Public service media compliance BAIPublic service media compliance BAI
BAI 0 BAI, Public service media,…
,42,Public Service Media in a Connected Environment – background paper of the…Public Service Media in a Connected Environment – background paper of the session (Krakow)
EPRA 2013 EPRA, Public service media
,42,Public service media in divided societies: Relic or renaissance?Public service media in divided societies: Relic or renaissance?
BBC Media Action 2015 Public service media
,42,Public Service Media in the Networked SocietyPublic Service Media in the Networked Society
Gregory Ferrell Lowe, Hilde Van den… 2017 Public service media
,42,Public service media portalPublic service media portal
Council of Europe 0 Council of Europe, Public…
,42,Public service media portalPublic service media portal
London School of Economics 0 London School of Economics,…
,42,Public service media remit in 40 European countriesPublic service media remit in 40 European countries
European Audiovisual Observatory 2015 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,52,Public service media should be thinking long term when it comes to AIPublic service media should be thinking long term when it comes to AI
Damian Tambini 2021 Artificial intelligence, Public…
,22,Rabat Action planRabat Action plan
United Nations 2008 United Nations, Hate speech
,21,Radio Codes of practiceRadio Codes of practice
HKG Communications Authority 0 Codes, Hong Kong, HKG…
,19,Reclaiming digital democracy: A need for inauguration of regulated digital…Reclaiming digital democracy: A need for inauguration of regulated digital sovereignty
Jean-François Furnémont, Asja… 2021 Governance, Cooperation
,22,Recommendation (97)21 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the…Recommendation (97)21 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the media and the promotion of a culture of tolerance
Council of Europe 1997 Council of Europe, Hate speech
,46,Recommendation (99)1 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on measures…Recommendation (99)1 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on measures to promote media pluralism
Council of Europe 1999 Council of Europe, Media…
,35,Recommendation (99)15 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on measures…Recommendation (99)15 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on measures concerning media coverage of election campaigns
Council of Europe 1999 Council of Europe, Media and…
,42,Recommendation 1878 (2009) The funding of public service broadcastingRecommendation 1878 (2009) The funding of public service broadcasting
Council of Europe 2009 Council of Europe, Public…
,45,Recommendation 1931 (2010) on combating sexist stereotypes in the mediaRecommendation 1931 (2010) on combating sexist stereotypes in the media
Council of Europe 2010 Council of Europe, Diversity and…
,47,Recommendation 2074 (2015) on increasing transparency of media ownershipRecommendation 2074 (2015) on increasing transparency of media ownership
Council of Europe 2015 Council of Europe, Concentration
,22,Recommendation 97(20) of the Committee of Ministers to member states on hate…Recommendation 97(20) of the Committee of Ministers to member states on hate speech
Council of Europe 1997 Council of Europe, Hate speech
,35,Recommendation CM/Rec(2007)15 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on…Recommendation CM/Rec(2007)15 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on measures concerning media coverage of election campaigns
Council of europe 2007 Council of Europe, Media and…
,46,Recommendation CM/Rec(2007)2 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on…Recommendation CM/Rec(2007)2 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on media pluralism and diversity of media content
Council of Europe 2007 Council of Europe, Media…
,42,Recommendation CM/Rec(2007)3 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on…Recommendation CM/Rec(2007)3 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the remit of public service media in the information society
Council of Europe 2007 Council of Europe, Public…
,25,Recommendation CM/Rec(2009)5 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on…Recommendation CM/Rec(2009)5 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on measures to protect children against harmful content and behaviour and to promote their active participation in the new information and communications environment
Council of Europe 2009 Council of Europe, Protection of…
,51,Recommendation CM/Rec(2011)7 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on a…Recommendation CM/Rec(2011)7 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on a new notion of media
Council of Europe 2011 Council of Europe, Future of…
,42,Recommendation CM/Rec(2012)1 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on…Recommendation CM/Rec(2012)1 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on public service media governance
Council of Europe 2012 Council of Europe, Public…
,45,Recommendation CM/Rec(2013)1 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on…Recommendation CM/Rec(2013)1 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on gender equality and media
Council of Europe 2013 Council of Europe, Diversity and…
,46,Recommendation CM/Rec(2018)1 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on…Recommendation CM/Rec(2018)1 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on media pluralism and transparency of media ownership
Council of Europe 2018 Council of Europe, Media…
,51,Recommendation CM/Rec(2018)2 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on…Recommendation CM/Rec(2018)2 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on the roles and responsibilities of internet intermediaries
Council of Europe 2017 Council of Europe, Regulation à…
,53,Recommendation CM/Rec(2020)1 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on…Recommendation CM/Rec(2020)1 of the Committee of Ministers to member States on the human rights impacts of algorithmic systems
Council of Europe 2020 Council of Europe, Regulation à…
,12,Recommendation on Regulatory Policy and GovernanceRecommendation on Regulatory Policy and Governance
OECD 2012 OECD, Regulatory authorities,…
,13,Recommendation Rec(2000)23 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the…Recommendation Rec(2000)23 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the independence and functions of regulatory authorities for the broadcasting sector
Council of Europe 2000 Council of Europe, Independence
,30,Recommendation Rec(2006)3 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the…Recommendation Rec(2006)3 of the Committee of Ministers to member states on the UNESCO Convention on the protection and promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions
Council of Europe 2006 Council of Europe, Cultural…
,51,Reconciling regulatory and market approaches: Understanding key market trends…Reconciling regulatory and market approaches: Understanding key market trends Introductory document
EPRA 2020 EPRA, Regulation à la generation…
,42,Regaining the Initiative for Public Service MediaRegaining the Initiative for Public Service Media
Jeanette Steemers, Gregory Ferrel… 2011 Public service media
,41,Regional and local broadcasting in EuropeRegional and local broadcasting in Europe
European Audiovisual Observatory 2016 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,52,Regulating AI and Robotics: Ethical and Legal ChallengesRegulating AI and Robotics: Ethical and Legal Challenges
Martin Ebers 2019 Regulation à la generation Z,…
,34,Regulating Computational Propaganda: Lessons from International LawRegulating Computational Propaganda: Lessons from International Law
Mark Leiser 2019 Disinformation
,27,Regulating the Political Wild West: State Efforts to Disclose Sources of Online…Regulating the Political Wild West: State Efforts to Disclose Sources of Online Political Advertising
Ashley Fox, Victoria Ekstrand 2020 Political advertising
,33,Regulating video-sharing platforms: what you need to knowRegulating video-sharing platforms: what you need to know
OFCOM UK 2021 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom,…
,26,Regulation of e-cigarette advertising, sponsorship and product placementRegulation of e-cigarette advertising, sponsorship and product placement
OFCOM UK 2016 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom, Codes,…
,27,Regulation of Political advertising - A comparative study with reflections on…Regulation of Political advertising - A comparative study with reflections on the situation in South-East Europe
Jean-François Furnémont, Deirdre… 2021 Council of Europe, Political…
,33,Regulation of Vloggers on Video-Sharing PlatformsRegulation of Vloggers on Video-Sharing Platforms
ERGA 2021 ERGA, Video-sharing platforms
,45,Regulation, self-regulation and co-regulation in media and gender equalityRegulation, self-regulation and co-regulation in media and gender equality
IMS 2021 IMS, Self and co-regulation,…
,48,Regulation, self-regulation and co-regulation in media and gender equalityRegulation, self-regulation and co-regulation in media and gender equality
IMS 2021 IMS, Self and co-regulation,…
,49,Regulatory Authorities for Electronic Media and Media Literacy – Comparative…Regulatory Authorities for Electronic Media and Media Literacy – Comparative Analysis of the Best European Practices
Council of Europe 2018 Council of Europe, Media…
,13,Regulatory Authorities’ InDependence And Efficiency ReviewRegulatory Authorities’ InDependence And Efficiency Review
RADAR 2015 RADAR, Independence, European…
,45,Reimagining Sport: Pathways to gender-balanced media coverageReimagining Sport: Pathways to gender-balanced media coverage
European Broadcasting Union 2021 EBU, Public service media,…
,34,Report of the High Level Expert Group on Fake News and Online DisinformationReport of the High Level Expert Group on Fake News and Online Disinformation
European Union 2018 European Union, Disinformation
,34,Report on disinformation: assessment of the implementation of the EU Code of…Report on disinformation: assessment of the implementation of the EU Code of practice on disinformation
ERGA 2020 ERGA, Disinformation, European…
,45,Report on diversity and public service mediaReport on diversity and public service media
European Broadcasting Union 2021 EBU, Public service media,…
,45,Report on gender equality and public service mediaReport on gender equality and public service media
European Broadcasting Union 2021 EBU, Public service media,…
,34,Report on how to improve the procedures adopted by the EU Code of practice on…Report on how to improve the procedures adopted by the EU Code of practice on disinformation signatories as regards consumer complaints and flagging
ERGA 2021 ERGA, Disinformation, European…
,34,Report on improving media literacy campaigns on disinformationReport on improving media literacy campaigns on disinformation
ERGA 2020 ERGA, Disinformation, Media…
,46,Report on Internal Media Plurality in Audiovisual Media Services in the EU -…Report on Internal Media Plurality in Audiovisual Media Services in the EU - Rules & Practices
ERGA 2021 ERGA, Media Pluralism, European…
,39,Report on material jurisdiction in a converged environmentReport on material jurisdiction in a converged environment
ERGA 2020 ERGA, Material jurisdiction
,34,Report on notions of disinformation and related conceptsReport on notions of disinformation and related concepts
ERGA 2018 ERGA, Disinformation
,35,Report on political advertising online during the 2019 election BAIReport on political advertising online during the 2019 election BAI
BAI 2019 BAI,, Media and elections,…
,25,Report on Protection of Minors in a Converged EnvironmentReport on Protection of Minors in a Converged Environment
ERGA 2014 ERGA, Protection of minors
,25,Report on Protection of Minors in the Audiovisual Media Services - Trends &…Report on Protection of Minors in the Audiovisual Media Services - Trends & Practices
ERGA 2017 ERGA, Protection of minors
,34,Report on Strengthening fact-checking across the European UnionReport on Strengthening fact-checking across the European Union
ERGA 2020 ERGA, Disinformation,…
,37,Report on territorial jurisdiction in a converged environmentReport on territorial jurisdiction in a converged environment
ERGA 2016 ERGA, Territorial jurisdiction
,39,Report on the implementation of the AVMS DirectiveReport on the implementation of the AVMS Directive
ERGA 2019 ERGA, Material jurisdiction
,39,Report on the implementation of the AVMS Directive – “Changes to the material…Report on the implementation of the AVMS Directive – “Changes to the material rules for audiovisual media services”
ERGA 2019 ERGA, Material jurisdiction
,19,Report on the implementation of the AVMS Directive – “Concrete Mechanisms of…Report on the implementation of the AVMS Directive – “Concrete Mechanisms of Regulation”
ERGA 2019 ERGA, Regulatory authorities,…
,33,Report on the implementation of the AVMS Directive – “Video-Sharing Platforms…Report on the implementation of the AVMS Directive – “Video-Sharing Platforms under the new AVMS Directive”
ERGA 2019 ERGA, Video-sharing platforms
,13,Report on the independence of NRAsReport on the independence of NRAs
ERGA 2015 ERGA, Independence, Regulatory…
,34,Report on the intermediate of the EU Code of practice on disinformationReport on the intermediate of the EU Code of practice on disinformation
ERGA 2019 ERGA, Disinformation, European…
,44,Report on the provision of greater accessibility to audiovisual media services…Report on the provision of greater accessibility to audiovisual media services for persons with disabilities
ERGA 2016 ERGA, Accessibility
,18,Research & regulators: Towards an evidence-based approach – background paper of…Research & regulators: Towards an evidence-based approach – background paper of the session (Bern)
EPRA 2015 EPRA, Research
,45,Research - Hearing Women’s Voices?Research - Hearing Women’s Voices?
BAI 2015 BAI, Diversity and equality,…
,18,Research activities BAIResearch activities BAI
BAI 0 BAI, Research, Ireland
,25,Research on violence on TVResearch on violence on TV
OFCOM UK 2014 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom,…
,18,Research portalResearch portal
MCMC 0 MCMC, Malaysia, Research
,18,Research portalResearch portal
BSA 0 BSA, New Zealand, Research
,18,Research portalResearch portal
OFCOM UK 0 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom,…
,22,Resilience: Civil Society for Media Free of Hate and DisinformationResilience: Civil Society for Media Free of Hate and Disinformation
SEENPM 2020 Hate speech, Disinformation
,34,RESIST initiativeRESIST initiative
United Kingdom 2021 United Kingdom, Disinformation
,45,Resolution 1751 (2010) Combating sexist stereotypes in the mediaResolution 1751 (2010) Combating sexist stereotypes in the media
Council of Europe 2010 Council of Europe, Diversity and…
,47,Resolution 2065 (2015) on increasing transparency of media ownershipResolution 2065 (2015) on increasing transparency of media ownership
Council of Europe 2014 Council of Europe, Concentration
,40,Resolution on community media in EuropeResolution on community media in Europe
European Union 2008 European Union, Community media
,8,Resolution on Repealing Criminal Defamation Law in AfricaResolution on Repealing Criminal Defamation Law in Africa
African Union 2010 International legal instruments,…
,46,Rethinking Media PluralismRethinking Media Pluralism
Kari Karpinnen 2013 Media pluralism
,29,Right of Reply Scheme BAIRight of Reply Scheme BAI
BAI 2011 BAI, Right of reply, Ireland
,26,Rules for gambling adsRules for gambling ads
ACMA 0 Commercial communications,…
,26,Rules on Adverts and Teleshopping BAIRules on Adverts and Teleshopping BAI
BAI 2010 BAI, Commercial communications,…
,48,Self- and Co-regulation in the new AVMSDSelf- and Co-regulation in the new AVMSD
European Audiovisual Observatory 2019 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,22,Self-Regulation of Fundamental Rights? The EU Code of Conduct on Hate Speech,…Self-Regulation of Fundamental Rights? The EU Code of Conduct on Hate Speech, Related Initiatives and Beyond
Teresa Quintel, Carten Ullrich 2019 Hate speech
,51,Shaping the Future of Regulators: The Impact of Emerging Technologies on…Shaping the Future of Regulators: The Impact of Emerging Technologies on Economic Regulators
OECD 2020 OECD, Regulatory authorities,…
,34,SHAREChecklist initiativeSHAREChecklist initiative
United Kingdom 0 United Kingdom, Disinformation
,32,Short News Code BAIShort News Code BAI
BAI 0 BAI, Short news reports, Ireland
,22,Should Hate Speech Be Protected? Group Defamation, Party Bans, Holocaust Denial…Should Hate Speech Be Protected? Group Defamation, Party Bans, Holocaust Denial and the Divide between (France) Europe and the United States
Ioanna Tourkochoriti 2014 Hate speech
,42,Small Screen: Big DebateSmall Screen: Big Debate
OFCOM UK 2020 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom, Public…
,25,Smoking, Alcohol and Drugs on Television: A content analysisSmoking, Alcohol and Drugs on Television: A content analysis
OFCOM UK 2005 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom,…
,40,Social Benefit Framework BAISocial Benefit Framework BAI
BAI 0 BAI, Community media, Ireland
,34,Social Media Platforms as Public Trustees: An Approach to the Disinformation…Social Media Platforms as Public Trustees: An Approach to the Disinformation Problem
Philip. N. Napoli, Fabienne Graf 2020 Disinformation, Video-sharing…
,40,Spaces of Inclusion - An explorative study on needs of refugees and migrants in…Spaces of Inclusion - An explorative study on needs of refugees and migrants in the domain of media communication and on responses by community media
Council of Europe 2018 Community media
,51,Spotlight on Artificial Intelligence and Freedom of ExpressionSpotlight on Artificial Intelligence and Freedom of Expression
OSCE 2021 OSCE, Regulation à la generation…
,21,Standards and codes for TV and radio broadcastersStandards and codes for TV and radio broadcasters
ACMA 0 Codes, Australia, ACMA
,42,Standards on Public Service Media DigestStandards on Public Service Media Digest
Council of Europe 2022 media, public media
,27,Statement about the proposed regulation on political advertisingStatement about the proposed regulation on political advertising
ERGA 2022 ERGA, Political advertising
,33,Statement on the European Commission’s proposal for a Digital Services Act (DSA)…Statement on the European Commission’s proposal for a Digital Services Act (DSA) and a Digital Market Act (DMA)
ERGA 2021 ERGA, Video-sharing platforms
,22,Strategy and Plan of Action on Hate SpeechStrategy and Plan of Action on Hate Speech
United Nations 2019 United Nations, Hate speech
,45,Strategy on gender equality (2021-2023)Strategy on gender equality (2021-2023)
IMS 2021 IMS, Diversity and equality
,34,Study for the assessment of the implementation of the Code of Practice on…Study for the assessment of the implementation of the Code of Practice on Disinformation
European Union 2020 European Union, Disinformation
,45,Study on Industry-led Good Practices related to Gender Diversity in the European…Study on Industry-led Good Practices related to Gender Diversity in the European Audiovisual Sector - Report with recommendations
ERGA 2019 ERGA, Diversity and equality,…
,22,Study on international standards relating to incitement to genocide or racial…Study on international standards relating to incitement to genocide or racial hatred for the UN Special Advisor on the Prevention of Genocide
Toby Mendel 2006 Hate speech, United Nations
,45,Study on media coverage of elections with a specific focus on gender equalityStudy on media coverage of elections with a specific focus on gender equality
Council of Europe 2017 Council of Europe, Media and…
,46,Study on media plurality and diversity onlineStudy on media plurality and diversity online
Council of Europe 2022 diversity, plurality, media
,34,Study on the human rights dimensions of automated data processing techniques and…Study on the human rights dimensions of automated data processing techniques and possible regulatory implications
Council of Europe 2017 Council of Europe,…
,35,Study on the use of internet in electoral campaignsStudy on the use of internet in electoral campaigns
Council of Europe 2017 Council of Europe, Media and…
,49,Supporting Quality Journalism through Media and Information LiteracySupporting Quality Journalism through Media and Information Literacy
Council of Europe 2020 Media-Information-Media Literacy
,34,Tackling Disinformation: EU Regulation of the Digital SpaceTackling Disinformation: EU Regulation of the Digital Space
Flavia Durach, Alina Bârgăoanu,… 2020
,33,Technology and Trust: The Challenge of Regulating Digital PlatformsTechnology and Trust: The Challenge of Regulating Digital Platforms
Terry Flew 2018 Video-sharing platforms
,21,Television Codes and GuidelinesTelevision Codes and Guidelines
HKG Communications Authority 0 Codes, Hong Kong, HKG…
,37,Territoriality and its impact on the financing of audiovisual worksTerritoriality and its impact on the financing of audiovisual works
European Audiovisual Observatory 2015 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,22,The AVMSD as a harmonized approach to moderating hate speech?The AVMSD as a harmonized approach to moderating hate speech?
Kim Barker 2021 Hate speech
,34,The Case Against Fake News Gatekeeping by Social NetworksThe Case Against Fake News Gatekeeping by Social Networks
Lucas de Lima Carvalho 2017 Désinformation
,22,The Content and Context of Hate Speech - Rethinking Regulation and ResponsesThe Content and Context of Hate Speech - Rethinking Regulation and Responses
Michael Hertz, Peter Molnar 2012 Hate speech
,22,The Council of Europe against online hate speech: Conundrums and challengesThe Council of Europe against online hate speech: Conundrums and challenges
Council of Europe 2013 Council of Europe, Hate speech
,25,The effectiveness of self-regulation designed to protect children on television…The effectiveness of self-regulation designed to protect children on television and the Internet
KRIIT 0 KRIIT, Poland, Protection of…
,25,The future of children’s television programmingThe future of children’s television programming
OFCOM UK 2007 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom,…
,42,The Future of Public Service MediaThe Future of Public Service Media
OFCOM UK 2019 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom, Public…
,22,The German Act on Improving Law Enforcement on Social Networks (NetzDG): A Blunt…The German Act on Improving Law Enforcement on Social Networks (NetzDG): A Blunt Sword?
Sandra Schmitz, Christian Berndt 2018 Hate speech
,34,The global disinformation disorder: 2019 global inventory of organised social…The global disinformation disorder: 2019 global inventory of organised social media manipulation
Samantha Bradshaw, Philip N. Howard 2019 Disinformation
,12,The Governance of RegulatorsThe Governance of Regulators
OECD 0 OECD, Regulatory authorities,…
,34,The implementation of the Code of practice on disinformation : lessons from the…The implementation of the Code of practice on disinformation : lessons from the assessments and proposals for the future
Iva Nedanic 2020 Disinformation
,48,The Importance of self-regulation of the media in upholding freedom of…The Importance of self-regulation of the media in upholding freedom of expression
UNESCO 2011 UNESCO, United Nations, Self and…
,13,The independence of media regulatory authorities in EuropeThe independence of media regulatory authorities in Europe
European Audiovisual Observatory 2019 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,13,The Independence of the Media and its Regulatory AgenciesThe Independence of the Media and its Regulatory Agencies
Wolfgang Schulz, Peggy Valcke,… 2014 Independence
,22,The inherent danger of hate speech legislation, A case study from Rwanda and…The inherent danger of hate speech legislation, A case study from Rwanda and Kenya on the failure of a preventative measure
Andrea Scheffler 0 Hate speech, Rwanda, Kenya
,33,The legal framework for video-sharing platformsThe legal framework for video-sharing platforms
European Audiovisual Observatory 2018 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,48,The Media Self-Regulation GuidebookThe Media Self-Regulation Guidebook
OSCE 2008 OSCE, Self-regulation,…
,49,The next generation of media and information literacyThe next generation of media and information literacy
DW Akademie 2020 Media literacy, DW Akademie
,52,The next wave of disruption: Emerging market media use of artificial…The next wave of disruption: Emerging market media use of artificial intelligence and machine learning
IMS 2021 IMS, Artificial intelligence
,48,The Online Media Self-Regulation GuidebookThe Online Media Self-Regulation Guidebook
OSCE 2013 OSCE, Journalism ethics,…
,34,The perils of legally defining disinformationThe perils of legally defining disinformation
Ronan Ó Fathaigh, Natali Helberger,… 2021 Disinformation
,26,The playing field in audiovisual advertisingThe playing field in audiovisual advertising
CERRE 2019 Commercial communications,…
,22,The prevention of Hate speech in the media with multicultural communities –…The prevention of Hate speech in the media with multicultural communities – background paper of the session (Sarajevo)
EPRA 2019 EPRA, Hate speech
,22,The prevention of Hate speech in the media with multicultural communities –…The prevention of Hate speech in the media with multicultural communities – summary of the session (Sarajevo)
EPRA 2019 EPRA, Hate speech
,35,The Professional Election ReporterThe Professional Election Reporter
IMS 2018 IMS, Medias and elections
,25,The promotion of adult sexual entertainment and psychic premium rate telephone…The promotion of adult sexual entertainment and psychic premium rate telephone services on television
OFCOM UK 2009 OFCOM UK, Protection of minors
,30,The promotion of independent audiovisual production in EuropeThe promotion of independent audiovisual production in Europe
European Audiovisual Observatory 2019 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,25,The Protection of Minors in a Connected Environment – background paper of the…The Protection of Minors in a Connected Environment – background paper of the session (Krakow)
EPRA 2013 EPRA, Protection of minors
,25,The protection of minors in a converged environmentThe protection of minors in a converged environment
European Audiovisual Observatory 2015 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,25,The protection of minors in audiovisual media services: legal obligations across…The protection of minors in audiovisual media services: legal obligations across Europe
European Audiovisual Observatory 2015 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,30,The Reform of the EC Audiovisual Media Regulation: Television Without Cultural…The Reform of the EC Audiovisual Media Regulation: Television Without Cultural Diversity
Mirra Burri 2007 Cultural diversity
,26,The regulation of advertising on video-sharing platformsThe regulation of advertising on video-sharing platforms
OFCOM UK 2021 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom,…
,27,The Regulation of Online Political Micro-Targeting in EuropeThe Regulation of Online Political Micro-Targeting in Europe
Tom Dobber, Ronan Ó Fathaigh,… 2020 Political advertising
,33,The regulation of video-sharing platforms and harmful content in Ireland and…The regulation of video-sharing platforms and harmful content in Ireland and Europe
Kenneth Murphy 2021 Video-sharing platforms, Ireland
,13,The regulatory independence of audiovisual media regulators: A cross-national…The regulatory independence of audiovisual media regulators: A cross-national comparative analysis
Adriana Mutu 2018 Independence
,30,The rise of the ‘Netflix tax’ and what it means for sustaining European…The rise of the ‘Netflix tax’ and what it means for sustaining European audiovisual markets
Ivana Kostovska, Tim Raats, Karen… 2019 Cultural diversity
,12,The Role of Economic Regulators in the Governance of InfrastructureThe Role of Economic Regulators in the Governance of Infrastructure
OECD 2017 OECD, Regulatory authorities,…
,34,The spread of fake news on social media : a study of the Twitter serviceThe spread of fake news on social media : a study of the Twitter service
ARCOM 2020 ARCOM, France, Disinformation
,34,The Unbearable Ease of MisinformationThe Unbearable Ease of Misinformation
CMDS 2020 CMDS, Disinformation
,34,The use of internet in electoral campaignsThe use of internet in electoral campaigns
Council of Europe 2017 Council of Europe,…
,33,The user, the platform and the regulator: Empowering users in the implementation…The user, the platform and the regulator: Empowering users in the implementation of new rules for video-sharing platforms
Ľuboš Kukliš 2021 Video-sharing platforms
,42,The Value of Public Service MediaThe Value of Public Service Media
European Broadcasting Union 2021 EBU, Public service media
,42,The Value of Public Service MediaThe Value of Public Service Media
Gregory Ferrell Lowe, Fiona Martin 2013 Public service media
,42,The value of public service mediaThe value of public service media
EBU 2021 EBU, Public service media
,42,The Value of Public Service Media: Creative Industries CasebookThe Value of Public Service Media: Creative Industries Casebook
European Broadcasting Union 2020 EBU, Public service media
,42,The Value of Public Service Media: Democracy and Citizenship CasebookThe Value of Public Service Media: Democracy and Citizenship Casebook
European Broadcasting Union 2020 EBU, Public service media
,42,The Value of Public Service Media: Executive GuideThe Value of Public Service Media: Executive Guide
European Broadcasting Union 2020 EBU, Public service media
,42,The Value of Public Service Media: Young Audiences CasebookThe Value of Public Service Media: Young Audiences Casebook
European Broadcasting Union 2020 EBU, Public service media
,42,The Values of Public Service Media in the Internet SocietyThe Values of Public Service Media in the Internet Society
Miguel Túnez-Lopez, Francisco… 2021 Public service media
,30,The “Netflix Tax”: An Analysis of Investment Obligations for On-Demand…The “Netflix Tax”: An Analysis of Investment Obligations for On-Demand Audiovisual Services in the European Union
Catalina Iordache, Tim Raats, Karen… 2021 Cultural diversity
,22,Thematic meeting on hate speech - background paperThematic meeting on hate speech - background paper
EPRA 2021 Hate speech
,22,Threats to international peace and security (UN Security Council – Resolution…Threats to international peace and security (UN Security Council – Resolution 1624)
United Nations 2005 United Nations, Hate speech
,52,Towards regulation of AI systemsTowards regulation of AI systems
Council of Europe 2020 Council of Europe, Regulation à…
,47,Transparency of media ownershipTransparency of media ownership
European Audiovisual Observatory 2022 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,34,Troops, trolls and troublemakers: A global inventory of organized social media…Troops, trolls and troublemakers: A global inventory of organized social media manipulation
Bradshaw, Samantha & Howard, Philip… 2017 Disinformation
,42,Trust in Media PSMTrust in Media PSM
European Broadcasting Union 2021 EBU, Public service media
,40,Tuning into development: International comparative survey of community…Tuning into development: International comparative survey of community broadcasting regulation
UNESCO 2013 UNESCO, United Nations,…
,51,Understanding key market trends in Covid-19 times – background paperUnderstanding key market trends in Covid-19 times – background paper
EPRA 2020 Regulation à la generation Z,…
,51,Understanding key market trends in Covid-19 times – summary of the sessionUnderstanding key market trends in Covid-19 times – summary of the session
EPRA 2020 EPRA, Future of regulation
,22,Understanding online hate - VSP Regulation and the broader contextUnderstanding online hate - VSP Regulation and the broader context
Alan Turing Institute 2021 hate speech, video-sharing…
,5,Universal Declaration of Human RightsUniversal Declaration of Human Rights
United Nations 0 United Nations, International…
,42,Universalism in Public Service MediaUniversalism in Public Service Media
Philip Savage, Mercedes Median,… 2019 Public service media
,34,Verification Handbook for Disinformation and Media Manipulation, A definitive…Verification Handbook for Disinformation and Media Manipulation, A definitive guide for investigating platforms and online accounts to reveal inauthentic activity and manipulated content
European Journalism Center 0 European Journalism Center,…
,30,Video on Demand and the Promotion of European WorksVideo on Demand and the Promotion of European Works
European Audiovisual Observatory 2013 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,33,Video-sharing platform (VSP) regulationVideo-sharing platform (VSP) regulation
OFCOM UK 2020 OFCOM UK, United Kingdom,…
,33,Video-Sharing Platforms In AVMSD – A New Kind Of Content RegulationVideo-Sharing Platforms In AVMSD – A New Kind Of Content Regulation
Lubos Kuklis 2019 Video-sharing platforms
,30,VOD, platforms and OTT: which promotion obligations for European works?VOD, platforms and OTT: which promotion obligations for European works?
European Audiovisual Observatory 2016 European Audiovisual Observatory…
,22,What is Illegal Offline is Also Illegal Online – The German Network Enforcement…What is Illegal Offline is Also Illegal Online – The German Network Enforcement Act 2017
Thomas Wischmeyer 2018 Hate speech
,37,Who’s sovereign? The AVMSD’s country of origin principle and video-sharing…Who’s sovereign? The AVMSD’s country of origin principle and video-sharing platforms
Paolo Cavaliere 2021 Territorial jurisdiction
,37,Working group on jurisdiction – summary of the session (Portoroz)Working group on jurisdiction – summary of the session (Portoroz)
EPRA 2012 EPRA, Territorial jurisdiction
,26,Working group “Commercial Communications 2.0: The Respective Roles of…Working group “Commercial Communications 2.0: The Respective Roles of Regulators” – summary of the session (Bratislava 2018)
EPRA 2018 EPRA, Commercial communications
,36,Working group “Licensing and Authorisation Procedures” – background paper of the…Working group “Licensing and Authorisation Procedures” – background paper of the session (Edinburgh)
EPRA 2017 EPRA, Licensing
,19,Working together - what does it matter? - presentation 2Working together - what does it matter? - presentation 2
EPRA 2021 Cooperation
,19,Working together - why does in matter? - presentation 3Working together - why does in matter? - presentation 3
EPRA 2021 Cooperation
,19,Working together - why does it matter? - presentation 1Working together - why does it matter? - presentation 1
EPRA 2020 Cooperation
,49,YouVerify! initiativeYouVerify! initiative
Savoir Devenir 2022 Media literacy, Disinformation
,49,Zooming in on Media and Information Literacy: A survey-based typology of young…Zooming in on Media and Information Literacy: A survey-based typology of young media users
DW Akademie 2019 Media literacy, DW Akademie