17 Sep
Soon, Set up a new independent European Board for national media authorities
The European Commission adopted recently an European Media Freedom Act, witch includes, among others, to set up a new “independent European Board for Media Services” comprised of national media authorities.
The Board will promote the effective and consistent application of the EU media law framework, in particular by assisting the Commission in preparing guidelines on media regulatory matters. It will also be able to issue opinions on national measures and decisions affecting media markets and media market concentrations. It will also coordinate national regulatory measures regarding non-EU media that present a risk to public security to ensure that those media do not circumvent the applicable rules in the EU.
The Board will also organize a structured dialogue between very large online platforms and the media sector to promote access to diverse media offers and to monitor platforms’ compliance with self-regulatory initiatives, such as the EU Code of Practice on Disinformation.
The European Parliament and the Member States will discuss the Commission’s proposal. Once adopted, it will be directly applicable across the European Union.
For more details